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Whats Left? - TheDude - 12-11-2003

What's funny is all these sptieful Met fans still have to go and watch their shitty team all season long... the only satisfaction they can get is trying to slag on the Yanks.

And to all you Met fans making such a big deal out of getting "little" Matsui... Remember Tsuyoshi Shinjo =)

Enjoy watching your team for another last place performance.

Whats Left? - 60FeetUnderWater - 12-11-2003

Quote:Originally posted by JimmyBlueEyes
I am not gonna gloat like 460 did. I actually was like, wow, when I heard the news. Who's to blame?? Steinbrenner. Simple as that. He should have thrown the guy a boatload of money instead of going after a well known malcontent like Sheffield. Especially after the great season Pettite had for them. I also can't blame Pettite, a well known bible thumping Jesus freak family man for wanting to go home to Texas. I'd probably do the same thing in his position.

I share the same exact sentiments but there is no fun in posting such things.

I rather pour some salt on the wound. I'm a dick like that when it comes to the Stinkees.

Fuck the Stinkees.

Look, all you Stinkee fans, you had your fantastic run. Seriously. 26 championships, a couple of which were won iin these last 7 years or so; it's something to be proud of, seriously.

Its just that I've waited for this moment, the moment in time when what went up starts to come down. Just like with the Bulls (as a Knick fan...) and the Cowboys (as a Giants fan...) I relish these moments, when hated teams take the downward spiral.

It may not be right...but I ain't wrong either. Nothing personal, I hope?


Whats Left? - GreasyItalianPrincess - 12-11-2003

yeah...fuck em

Whats Left? - banana_juice - 12-11-2003

Quote:Wait a minute.... Isn't Jeff Weaver really going???

Rumor is that it is going to be a one for one trade, Jeff Weaver for Kevin Brown

Whats Left? - TheDude - 12-11-2003

yeah I heard that too. Excellent deal there... Let the door hit Weaver on the ass on the way out.

Whats Left? - GreasyItalianPrincess - 12-11-2003

that trade is not happening. dodger want more...namely Nick johnson..who is no longer the trade is nixed right now

Whats Left? - TheDude - 12-11-2003

shut up Kyke

Whats Left? - 60FeetUnderWater - 12-11-2003


OH SNAP!!!1!!!!!!

Whats Left? - GreasyItalianPrincess - 12-11-2003

it's Kike. fuckin Kike

Whats Left? - 60FeetUnderWater - 12-11-2003

you guys are giving Sloats a hard-on with all this anti-semitism talk.