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I heard once that when you first get married, for the first 2 weeks of marriage you should beat your wife every night with a wagon chain......after that if she steps out of just have to rattle the chain!
<center>[Image: PH0136.jpg]</c>
that's pavlov's wife syndrome.
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&lt;FONT COLOR=&quot;WHITE&quot;&gt;
Quote:Originally posted by Opus
Quote:Originally posted by dru
jack better step up.


i double posted.

& you ignored my pm on the other board
<center><img src=""></a>

i <3 silera

wanna go for a ride on my totalgym?</center>
You sent me a PM?

Its not in my PM box.
[Image: opus.gif]
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i <3 silera

wanna go for a ride on my totalgym?</center>
Hitting a women at anytime, regardless for what she did, is totally wrong. LOL Even if youre in one of those situations where your women is beating on you, like when Liza beat up David Guest(what a fuckin pussy).

In high school there were two incidents where girls i knew were with abusive guys. The 1st was this girl i was really good friends with was with this guy who i already didnt like cuz he was an asshole anyway. When i was walking to one of my classes, I saw him push her
against a locker and he was yelling at her for somthing stupid (turns out he was a jealous guy and accused her of cheating). I grabbed him by the collar and threw him on the ground. after i gave him two quick shots with my boot, i told him that if he ever hurt her again I'd break his legs. He never even laid a finger on her in anger since.

This other time this friend of a friend was in a fight with her boyfriend (this again was a jealous asshole). She called me at a party and told me what was going on . So me and a few of my friends went over to this guys house and straightened him out real quick.
shut up boy!!
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If you're an asshole you deserve to get hit. Sex is irrelevant.
[Image: hurricanecharley.jpg]
nope. Doesn't matter how mad I've been at a girl. Unless they have killed a loved one, I can't imagine ever hitting a girl.

Anything else, it's easy to restrain them without hitting them.

And I wouldn't be with a girl who was bigger than me that I couldn't manhandle so that's irrevalent.
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TV has poisoned people's minds. You see the helpless pleading housewife getting throttled by some pitiless brute and you project that on every wife or woman beating scenario. That may be the case is some instances and when it is it's wrong. But if someone pushes you too far, then they get what they deserve. Their sex should have nothing to do with it and it works both ways. Abuse is wrong but when justifiable violence happens it's not right or wrong it just is. Just like when a volcano explodes and buries a bunch of villagers. It's not evil, it's nature.
[Image: hurricanecharley.jpg]

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