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Bush Winning the War on Terror
Quote:Originally posted by Sloats
Can't you just be happy that our government is killing people in other countries and has stopped killing the blacks in this country?

yeah I can

But what I fear is all the Laws that are going to fight terrorism will be turned on us when all the terrorist are gone.
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Why do you hate minorities so much?
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Quote:Originally posted by Hawt Baux
Why do you hate minorities so much?

He hates me because, He can't be me.
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Bush lovers don't care if you vote for Kerry. We all know they don't count black people's votes anyway.

I don't view myself as a Bush lover. I didn't vote for him. What I am however, is a war on terror lover. Currently there is one man on the ballot who we know is atleast willing to stand up to the mother fuckers. And his name isn't Kerry.

I'm absolutely disgusted by the way the democrats are handling this whole "Hey, let's go against everything Bush likes......that might make us look different" approach to politics. Clinton right now is dominating the media while the nearly non-existant Kerry is still no where to be found. Ever since Jon Stewart OWNED him one night, Kerry hasn't said a fucking word.

I can't vote for a guy that won't tell me what the fuck he is willing to do to solve some of these problems. The bastard let's Al Gore and Ted Kennedy (2 excellent choices there John, top notch) tell the country why Bush is eeeeeeeeeevil. Howsa bout we try fucking coming up with a sentence or 2 about your plans that doesn't include "by helping America get back on it's feet" or some other nonsense.

Bush has done something. Something I particularly regard as an act that needed to be done. Kerry is hiding. I'm not voting based on Gore and Kennedy's preaching at me. If you have a brain, you won't either.

Laz, you are so far from grasping the actual truth about the 9/11 attacks that it astounds me!!! Here's a tip. When you're trying to bring someone closer to your viewpoint (an opinion), don't post an editorial to back up what you're saying. They're not factual, and are written in an attempt to persuade.

If you actually read the 9/11 commission's report, you would know that the only reason Afghanistan came into play at that Sudan told bin Laden to get the fuck out in 1996. If that had not occured, we'd now be attacking Sudan.......

Let's try reading what we use as ammunition for our arguements

"Facts" according to the Commission
Quote: Bush lovers don't care if you vote for Kerry. We all know they don't count black people's votes anyway.


I am going to read that report and i will be back with my opinion on it.
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