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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - What Are They Putting In The Water?

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: What Are They Putting In The Water?
Kid Afrika
posted on 06-15-2001 @ 9:55 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
The opinions contained within in no way represent the feelings or opinions of

I understand the kinder gentler board thing. I don't necessarily agreee with it, but I understand. But, what the fuck is up with the pussification of this message board? When did we get all sensitive and stop being funny?

I say FUCK YOU PUSSIES! Curse somebody out every once in a while. Smack some unsuspecting fool.

Let's have some fun around here and stop being so GOD DAMNED FRIENDLY!!! (newbies should probably be left alone until they are ready to be "jumped in".)

I have abduc... I mean adopted tankGrrl24

Black Lazerus is also benefitting from my tutelage.

It's like, "How much more black could this be?",
and the answer is none. None more black.

This message was edited by Kid Afrika on 6-15-01 @ 10:07 AM
posted on 06-15-2001 @ 10:09 AM      
Registered: Jun. 01
See, this is where IAMANTHONY should come in and start a thread like this:

"Every since we went syndicated it's like your board isn't the same. What the fuck, did you pussies all go Hollywood on us? We thought the board would be better after syndication, but now you're all pussies."

If it makes you feel any better though Kid, I could tell you that your're a fucking dickhead for posting such a lame-ass pussah topic?

(Damn, I don't feel right doing that - is it so wrong to not want to be angry all the time?)

EDIT: Just as a point of interest, I actually didn't know the genesis of this thread when I posted my original reply. It's actually something that looks a little messy. I'm more along the Rodney King / "Can't we all just get along?" school of thought? I like that the board is nicey nice, it's a cool place to hang out, and hey, I think it's great that people can get a caring ear and some advice and the like. We don't have to be angry to have fun.

Adopted by Rone on 6/6/01

This message was edited by Spork on 6-15-01 @ 2:54 PM
posted on 06-15-2001 @ 10:09 AM      
Registered: May. 01

awwwww, isn't that sweet.



.......Proud graduate of the Spitfire421 school of altered reality.......

This message was edited by SpiritOfDirt on 6-15-01 @ 10:10 AM
posted on 06-15-2001 @ 10:12 AM      
Registered: Sep. 00
Reverting back to Thumper's Mother....

posted on 06-15-2001 @ 10:12 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Fuck you, you midget ass-ramming faggot for starting such a worthless piece of shit thread. I just lost 5 minutes of my life that I'll never get back. Damn, I more pissed at myself because I know there is no way in hell that you were going to make an intelligent post. Go take some light fluid and squirt it into an open flame, you ass eff.

You are an example of Devolution: The product of 2 inferior humans who have produced and even more inferior human.
SAGILLID The Midget Message Board Mauler rides his trusty mount Wilbur once again!! Internet Idiots beware!!
posted on 06-15-2001 @ 10:13 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Dec. 00
it's funny that the ONE THING THE MODS AND FROY have been working so hard to change is the one thing that you try to get going again.

Nice way to set an example! The vets of the board are supposed to set an example for the new people coming in. What kind of example are you setting? I suggest you rethink this one! At this rate, you'll be at 10,000 and still not MADE.

Pnderous - fucking ponderous!

Sloatsburgh - what the fuck was that? To whom are you referring?

Newest member of Grumpy's Adopted Midgets: ShavinBush
Any inappropriate behaviour should be reported to me.
If you're having problems with your sig pic site host, feel free to go here: Visit this Website

This message was edited by Grumpy on 6-15-01 @ 10:19 AM
posted on 06-15-2001 @ 10:14 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01
Maybe they should add some ginko to the water so you get a little smarter.

"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."

Ahlexus is the newest castaway on Gilligan's Island. If she pisses in your wheaties, let me know.
Cap'n Fudge
posted on 06-15-2001 @ 10:15 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

When did we get all sensitive and stop being funny?

If it makes you feel better, be more funny and go eff yawself.

I hate this job! I hate this goddamn job and I don't need it!!!

[email protected]

I adopted NOBODY. Honest, that's the name. Now accepting 1 more application for the crew.

posted on 06-15-2001 @ 10:31 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

Sloatsburgh - what the fuck was that? To whom are you referring?

What? I thought this was going to be a pile-up on everybody mosh/bash thread.

You are an example of Devolution: The product of 2 inferior humans who have produced and even more inferior human.
Kid Afrika
posted on 06-15-2001 @ 10:43 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
I hope you all will understand that the point of this thread was that I hate all of the lovey dovey bullshit around here. It's one thing to not pile on people, it's a completely different thing to post heartfelt shit here. I understand wanting to do so, but when did this become the hallmark message board?

nobody ever talks about O&A anymore, it's all about this one or that ones life. I don't care about your lives. Just fucking be funny, or cruel, I don't care, just stop telling me about your friend that died, or your love for you dog/cat.

we all know that I'm an insensitive prick, no surprise there, so come on fuckers, tell me how wrong I am and how I'll never be a mod here.

I'm smart enough to realize how my actions will be interpretted, especially by a bunch of mouth-breathers such are yourselves.

FUCK YOU ALL, Mr.Fuck The World is back!

I have abduc... I mean adopted tankGrrl24

Black Lazerus is also benefitting from my tutelage.

It's like, "How much more black could this be?",
and the answer is none. None more black.

This message was edited by Kid Afrika on 6-15-01 @ 10:49 AM
posted on 06-15-2001 @ 10:46 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Hey K1d, go back to Candyland and mod over there! You are such a fucking tool! I have had my differences with you, which have been obvious.

So why don't you get off that horse's prick you have been riding, and let your asshole stop bleeding for a while!

Sig pic courtesy of the recently resurrected CBH, one sick F!

Please WOW this bully today!

E-Mail Me

This message was edited by Ronreddog on 6-15-01 @ 11:10 AM
posted on 06-15-2001 @ 10:56 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01

nobody ever talks about O&A anymore, it's all about this one or that ones life.

You know what? That was the dumbest thing I have heard in awhile. GS said you were intelligent. I think not. You do realized what Off Topic means right? It means not on topic of O&A. Thus then it's ok to post about your dead friend, or your love for your pet. Here's and idea, take yourself over to General Discussion and talk about O&A for awhile. Throw some of your stupid ass comments around in that forum and stay out of Off Topic until you realize what it means. And yes, you are right, this is a message board and you can say what you want. But guess what, the mods and admis have control over what you say here. You are the biggest hypocrite on this board. You go around telling the new posters how to post, then you turn around and do the EXACT same stupid shit that you just told them not to do.
Get a clue. Please. You made it to 5000 posts somehow, so you can't be that stupid. Maybe the new job has gone to your head, or maybe it's just causing alot of stress and made you forget what this message board is all about. Whatever the case, maybe you need a vacation.

"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."

Ahlexus is the newest castaway on Gilligan's Island. If she pisses in your wheaties, let me know.
SAGILLID The Midget Message Board Mauler rides his trusty mount Wilbur once again!! Internet Idiots beware!!
posted on 06-15-2001 @ 11:01 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Dec. 00
Kid - you just keep digging your grave deeper and deeper. You're not even worth the effort of a fight club. There's no point. You're being a prick and making yourself look like a complete asshole in the interim. If you have no respect for others, at least have some respect for yourself man.

Yes, it's a message board, but it's also a community. So what if everything isn't about O&A. Stay in General Discussion then. Stay out the rest of the forums if you don't like what's there.

You're constantly contradicting yourself.


Curse somebody out every once in a while. Smack some unsuspecting fool.

Let's have some fun around here and stop being so GOD DAMNED FRIENDLY!!!

WTF is this? Stop being friend? Smack some fool? Are you trying to incite fights on the board? What the fuck is your problem man?

Take a long look in the mirror and see what happened to Ah Nah Nah. You weren't like this way back when. You used to be a nice guy. Now you're just an angry prick with a huge chip on his shoulder.

Newest member of Grumpy's Adopted Midgets: ShavinBush
Any inappropriate behaviour should be reported to me.
If you're having problems with your sig pic site host, feel free to go here: Visit this Website

posted on 06-15-2001 @ 11:07 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Aug. 00
Jesus Christ Kid, who pissed in your cornbread today...if you don't like the way things are going here, tough fucking shit! Deal with it or get the fuck outta here...I hate it when people think because they don't like the way something is, it should change in an instant because they said so. That just doesn't happen.

In the Immortal words of Denis Leary; "Life isn't fair k1d, get a fucking helemt."

Why fucking bother

"Think before you write" - Froy

E-Mail Me

posted on 06-15-2001 @ 11:10 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Mar. 01

nobody ever talks about O&A anymore, it's all about this one or that ones life. I don't care about your lives. Just fucking be funny, or cruel, I don't care, just stop telling me about your friend that died, or your love for you dog/cat.

you are heartless. this board is a community of people who love O&A, and when tough times come along, we help eachother through those times. if you don't want to, fine..BYE, ASSHOLE!

posted on 06-15-2001 @ 11:12 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
WOW, someone forgot his Zoloft today! Renew that prescription K1d, you have three goddamn computers, use one for something useful!

Sig pic courtesy of the recently resurrected CBH, one sick F!

Please WOW this bully today!

E-Mail Me

Kid Afrika
posted on 06-15-2001 @ 11:13 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
corpse and grumpy, you both know how long I've been here and how much I like this place. I speak my opinion, as I always have. I may be a bit more passionate about the board than I use to be, but that happens over time.

I agree that people should not be afraid to post, but I don't think that it is against the rules to tell someone to fuck off every once in a while. The board seems to pander to the stupid too much lately. also, what the fuck is with father's day dedications? you love your dad, send him a fucking card. what's next, people will be posting I love you honey threads? that is my beef with the pussification of the board, not the adoption thread *which I participate in*, or helping newbies.

as for your thread frump, I posted a one line transparent goof on it, and intended to leave it at that. but then your followers had to say some shit about it. so I replied again.

I have abduc... I mean adopted tankGrrl24

Black Lazerus is also benefitting from my tutelage.

It's like, "How much more black could this be?",
and the answer is none. None more black.

posted on 06-15-2001 @ 11:17 AM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Kid I'm not one to pile on but shit one of the threads you fucked with had to due with fathersday. I posted something about my father and you had to open your fucken mouth and disrespect what I said. Fuck you if you didn't understand the thread. Fuck you if you may have never known your father, and Fuck you for being you.

SAGILLID The Midget Message Board Mauler rides his trusty mount Wilbur once again!! Internet Idiots beware!!
posted on 06-15-2001 @ 11:21 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Dec. 00

what the fuck is with father's day dedications? you love your dad, send him a fucking card.

I do better than that. I call him and tell him personally. I posted that because :

1 - There's a lot of animosity towards dads and I thought I'd put the other perspective on it and lighten things up a little
2 - It seemed timely and appropriate. Excluding your little "Goof", people seemed to appreciate it and added to it. We don't all bottle up our emotions KID. Some of us do know how to share our feelings. You should try it sometime. You might be surprised what you find.

As for your little goof, that's exactly what I was hoping to avoid with the disclaimer. Truth be told, I put that there JUST FOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU, cuz I knew there'd be one asshole in the bunch who might decide to take a shot. Again, it's a matter of respect. If you had done the same type of post, I would respected your wish and left it alone if I had no value to add to it.

I tell my adoptee's all the time - there's a time and place to be funny, there's a time and place to be serious. You either don't know the difference and need to get adopted again, or you just have no fucking respect for anybody, not even yourself.

I'll go with the respect. You know how the board works, you just don't seem to give a shit anymore. As corpse said, you don't like it - LEAVE! No one is forcing you to stay here.

Newest member of Grumpy's Adopted Midgets: ShavinBush
Any inappropriate behaviour should be reported to me.
If you're having problems with your sig pic site host, feel free to go here: Visit this Website

posted on 06-15-2001 @ 11:23 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

Just fucking be funny, or cruel, I don't care, just stop telling me about your friend that died, or your love for you dog/cat.

Fuck you, fuck you, fu-u-u-u-uck you! FUCK YOU!
Fuck you, fuck you, fu-u-u-u-uck you! FUCK YOU!
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you,
fuck you
Fuck y-o-o-o-o-o-ou! Hey!!

That about says it all...

Guard within yourself that treasure, kindness! ~GS
So what if I'm a good girl? It doesn't mean I can't defend myself!
posted on 06-15-2001 @ 11:24 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Aug. 00
K1d, I know you have always spoken your opinion here, but how many times do you have to bitch about the same fucking things over and over gets older than hearing Stern say he invented everything...

Why fucking bother

"Think before you write" - Froy

E-Mail Me

posted on 06-15-2001 @ 11:32 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70

but I don't think that it is against the rules to tell someone to fuck off every once in a while

Go Fuck Yourself Afrika now please continue to post a one man opinion that no one will agree with you on. One thing to be passionate about your opinion, another thing to be so stubborn you walk blindly.

Yes there are some sentimental posts and some sick posts. You don't like one post pass it by, but don't purposely ruin a bunch of peoples good time cause you feel they are pussies. This is NOT JUST A BOARD stop fuckin saying that. The day we started talking on the phone and meeting eachother and being friends that excuse went down the drain.

If you can't extend people the same courtesy you'd want back then you are a fuckin scum bag for that.

so once again Go fuck yourself fuck face.

Keep instigating chaos, discomfort and anger on the board and you won't have to worry about your replies to the board anymore, not a threat but a promise. Friend or not afrika i will ban you.

You're so fuckin' special
I wish I was special
I want a perfect body
I want a perfect soul
But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo.
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here.

She-Mail Me Here

This message was edited by GonzoStyle on 6-15-01 @ 11:36 AM

Head Slap... Swim Move...
posted on 06-15-2001 @ 11:39 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00

posted on 06-15-2001 @ 11:44 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70

Just fucking be funny, or cruel, I don't care, just stop telling me about your friend that died, or your love for you dog/cat.

hey k1d my best friend died last night man. Sorry if i felt that i was close to the people of the board and i could share with them cause they are my friends man.

I remember your ass in the FU forum complaining about your family members man so stop being a fuckin hypocrite.

We arent funny enough for you well ohh jesus fuckin excuse me man.

You're so fuckin' special
I wish I was special
I want a perfect body
I want a perfect soul
But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo.
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here.

She-Mail Me Here

Kid Afrika
posted on 06-15-2001 @ 11:47 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
you may not like or agree with my opinion, I don't care. you threaten to ban me? do me the fucking favor already. don't talk me to death. I love how true feelings come out when people get angry. corpse, wouldn't be the first time you acted on your feelings eh?

you people can say that I'm bitching or complaining all you want. I tried to start a topic that would excite some people, and make some people think. you don't agree with it, so you all gang up on me? good, I'm lovin' it. this is the most attention I've gotten since I've been here, and I seriously didn't expect it to come to this.

another thing, I hope you people realize that I am at work. and thusly, I'm not sitting here all pissed of at you all. I can seperate what is real from what is role play.

so, if you want to ban me, go ahead, you have the power, and I can't stop you. but think about this, are you banning me because you disagree with what I've said, or because I'm being malicious towards the board? If you know me at all, you will know the answer to that question.

I have abduc... I mean adopted tankGrrl24

Black Lazerus is also benefitting from my tutelage.

It's like, "How much more black could this be?",
and the answer is none. None more black.

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Displaying 1-25 of 74 messages in this thread.