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OK, I went over this a little before and I will do so again.

The main reasons for our changes are two fold.

First and foremost, it is to cut down on the CGI usage of the board. We are a high traffic site. Now, while we still are under our band width issues, the server has a server block in place to make sure that any site, which includes ours, doesn't crash the server. The CGI usage for dynamic pages kills us. So, I got rid of all the screnes that server as transfer pages which is just fuckin redundant. The quick reply also cuts posting ion half when it comes to CPU usage. Instead of using another, seperate page to post, it lets you do it right here. It also Gets you out to the main forums automaticly because when you are the last to post, why would you need to re read what you just typed? True, the new code buttons take a little to get used to and yes I know some of them are a little Quirky, but, for the most part it is a positive change. The drop down to the bottom of the page is something I will look to change even though I actually like it because everyone knows I don't read shit in the first place.

we lost the glow names for mods and a few other quirks are present because I just udpdated the board software comepletely without doing a fresh install. This means that a few silly things are going on and I will track them down eventually. Like the problem that was reported to me from someone using IE5, thats a tough one for me to locate because I use IE6 and these errors don't show on my browser.

Maynard is still a dick, all the fixes and hacks in the world won't change that and I still think BrokenJ is an asswipe.

As far as why FTL is no longer here. Well, your friendly nieghborhood mod does not like me or the site all that much. I know he has passed this along to other people and may or may not have posted shit like that elsewhere. He seems to have a thought process that it is a good thing we all left because we were not good posters in his limited eyes. Funny thing is, I don't fuckin care if he likes me or not actually. We are doing alot of work to make us our own site. Sure, we have alot of the same members and shit but in the long run, IU do think alot of you can make a distinct case that we are slowly making ourselves a different place altogether from our former home of our banter. I got rid of FTL because the fuckin rat faced goon was just wasting our CPU space and time by sitting on the board doing God knows what. He would lurk for days at a time and suddenly, I am seeing and hearing about slight changes on Oa that just seem a little to familar to me and that doesn't fuckin fly with me.

Another thing most of you are in the dark about and have no clue about is the announcements from and shit. Well, I know a little more about them then just about all of you combined times 2. One of the real big announcements was going to be the drop of the name and the renaming of that said site to The hell Hole. Matt and I discussed shit and the convo turned to a possible merger of this site with Oa under the hell Hole banner. I was thinking that since most of you still have active accounts on OA and the site was basiclly going to mirror ours if the change went through, then, why have two sites about the same fuckin thing with the same people as well? I wanted to make sure everyone still had a place to post and shit because our cgi usage was getting pretty fucked up around the same time Anthony threw his temper tamtrum. It seemed like a good fit and fix to everyones problems. GS even did his thread calming the masses down for he knew of what was on the table.

I had second thoughts rather quickly. Now, while I would have been a mod, yes, my third tour in message board Nam, no other mods from here had the welcome wagon to be mods as well. But, all his mods stay. What the fuck is that happy horseshit anyway? If anything, CDIH has proven that we are a viable choice of a message board even though we have some short comings. I would only be a mod and really have no say in board policy. This is why I was MIA for a week for I was mulling all the shit over at the times that I would have been posting. I also knew Matt couldn't walk from the OA shit because thats his shtick. I do not fault him for this in the least. What I fault him for is making all of us here at CDIH a back up plan. I don't think that we with our almost 40K posts should be a back up for anyone. He would have gained more by this than us for he would have seen the return of his quality posters. You don't think we are quality? Go look at that site ans tell me how we rate in the topic comparision since alot of us walked and posted exclusively here. I made my decission to stick with CDIH as only my mods can atest to for I posted about this shit a week ago in our forum. I do want to thank the mods for they showed great restraint while holding a smoking gun concerning this ifo and it never got back to me that others knew the deal.

As for the silly ass shit being said that we can't afford the site and shit, you couldn't be more wrong. I even offered the server CO. to up our plan but they actually said that it wouldn't help us and said we should try and use a more efficant software instead. If money ever becomes an issue, I will give you all the heads up and we will decide from there what our best course of action will be. You have my word on that. For now, I will do every update and install every hack that may help with our cgi problem. If it doesn't work out, we will, as in all of us from the mods to the members to even Buttmunch and Fezzy, will figure out what we will do.CDIH is not goping fuckin anywhere.
Well put Sir...
I can't speak for anyone else, but all of the "Little bugs" are only a slight inconvienience in my eyes.
I myself will do anything you need to help keep this place smelling like home for all of us.
::choking up:: I love you kids! ::runs to hide::
i'm glad we're not merging with much as i still post on both boards, they have different, we just goof off with no real purpose, everybody basically gets along, and there arent anny asses who come here just to start trouble, get banned, make another name, and start more touble.uniting the boards without even taking any mods from here(it'd be different if it was a mix, a few from both sites) is complete and utter bullshit, since 2 of our mods are not only fromer mods, but are considered to be two of the best posters that that board and were royally screwed over there.unity would just end up causing more problems between people who dislike each other, like you and straw, or kid and half the board.tons of people would be forced off due to problems we thought we'd avoided

Quote:One of the real big announcements was going to be the drop of the name and the renaming of that said site to The hell Hole
actually, thats a feature i noticed earlier today.some people may have noticed the SP lyrics i posted in the canada thread, and i had gone to the hellhole to get them, and when i type the adress, what shows up on my screen but

also, quick techi thing...can we get a quote quick html in the quick reply box
I'm also glad we're not merging...even though its basically the same people, there really is none of the drama and people really seem to be here to have a good time. On a technical level....I am so lost with the buttons, I'm amazed I'm even able to post half the time. Smile Are we going to get the smilies back?
Well said sean, I'm not kissing your ass cause you're my friend but cause you did this. You accomplished something by your own means and work when some people even myself when you 1st told me were weary. I was gonna back you all the way and I will continue to until my cards turn to confetti. As far as the announcement I wanted sean to explain his part in the story first. That was the plan, that's what I supported. A fresh start, not just asthetic changes but a fresh start. New URL, new board, new everything. Say what you want about us always talking about but they are blatently taking ideas that sean came up with, on the phone with Froy none the less.

I myself even told Sean it would be a good idea cause I thought the changes were sincere but I shoulda fuckin known. having two similar boards and then forcing you guys to choose between the two was not something Sean or I or many people would probably think to be fair. But then after I helped calm things down over my deletion and the site somewhat got a grip back, he demods me.... for leaking info. Wouldn't telling a non-mod about site changes that no one but mods knew about be leaking info? Then not even telling your mods about changes you wanted to get into be leaking info? I think so, that is why I was pissed about why I was demoded not because I was.

I am happy here, I am happy with all of you. I miss some of the people off some mods and some regs but most of them are here. So let us get the site back on track and let the truth finally be out there. It's not to cause trouble but just to let you all know what the dime was and why should we sit back while someone else takes shit?
fbdlingfrg Wrote:
Quote:One of the real big announcements was going to be the drop of the name and the renaming of that said site to The hell Hole
actually, thats a feature i noticed earlier today.some people may have noticed the SP lyrics i posted in the canada thread, and i had gone to the hellhole to get them, and when i type the adress, what shows up on my screen but
yes now goes to, originally it was supposed to go to But he still has or whatever it is. But he was totally gonna drop as a URL there would be no at all. There would be no general discussion, no syndication underground etc.
::golf clap::
I think I speak for alot of people here by saying that this place is here to stay due to the fact that Sean actually listens to what we have to say and genuinely cares about it. I couldn't have been more wrong about you during my days on the old board. Thanks for working so hard to make this place a success and thanks to members here that support the board. We have our squabbles but this is a damn strong community, the board is what you make it and even in a short time its pretty fucking beautiful how far we have come thanks mainly to Sean's approach.
The main difference is the fact that we try to let everyone know what is going on and not make people wait around and wonder. Cause wondering leads to assumptions and assumptions lead to worse things. It's all new to everyone, in no time it will be second nature..

Just do me a favoUr don't tell sean too many times about how well he is running the site, then his ego will cause more CGI errors when it gets big enough to count for 150 members.
I waiting for the NSA to ask you guys to hold a seminar on how to keep secrets. That would have been some pretty big fucking news, and no leaks...bravo to the mods for keeping their yaps shut.

I'm glad that we're no one's Plan B.
wow. keep up the good work. that's all i have to say.
Thank you Sean for letting us know the deal. I was getting really annoyed by all the secrecy goin on over there to the point where I just stopped paying attention to that site. I'm glad that at least this place lets us know what the deal is at all times.
Simply put, posting is fun again.
...and it has that minty fresh taste.
Now for my two cents on the whole Deal:

At first, I thought it was a good idea to merge the sites. Like it was said before, having two sites with the same members just doesnt work (can we say "OTL" boys and girls? Very good, I knew you could). While we would have merged, alot of good would hae come out of it. New forums, new ideas, fresh perspectives. Then I was told if it would happen, I would not keep my moderatorship, despite that I am a mod here and used to be one there. Well, frankly, I really couldnt give a shit. I left that position for a reason. But to blacklist some of my fellow mods here, some of which deserve the position a hell of alot more than the some of the Mods on, that shit doesnt fly. Basically, Froy would have gained all the members he lost back, dropped the opie and anthony theme, and still be the HNIC. Do you see what Im getting at here folks? The welfare of the board was not the primary concern, his position of power was. By demodding me and the other mods, he can effectively eliminate any future problems he would have. At the end of the day, his need for power is surpassed only by his ignorance. So I'm sorry Froy, sorry we couldnt hand back all the members who decided to leave. Sorry we couldnt help maintain the Status Quo you tried so hard to create. Sorry we couldnt influence your power just a little bit more. But if it's any consolation, you can merge with OTL and force the forums to go there, that is if you arent already doing so.

And one more word to all our detractors: FIX YOUR OWN GODDAMN PROBLEMS BEFORE YOU WORRY ABOUT US. is falling apart at the seems, but the topic of discussion always seems to be what Sean and the rest of us are doing here at CDIH. Now do you fucking get it? Modeling yourselves after us by adding a few buttons and gizmos isnt going to fix the problems that are causing everyone to leave. How long until has a "Spoiler" button? A Glow Feature? A Color and Font quick HTML List?

Keep your fucking Sarcasm tags and Thread Icons. We'll do the real work and you folks will always be a day late and a buck short.
Well.. I just transfered to this site. Following Gonzo all the way. I must say, after only two months of being at I really didn't have any problems personally (then again I don't listen to O&A either) but I could see the problems everyone else was having. I signed up originally to post in just the wrestling forum but found myself posting other places and having fun. This past week, after Gonzo left it has just become a graveyard and is no longer fun to post at. Hopefully from what I have been reading and lurking around looking at here, this place has that fun feel to it.
I think seph just blew a fuckin load allover the screen.

Is anyone else who is using IE5 having problems with the browser crashing or causing errors?
Quote:Is anyone else who is using IE5 having problems with the browser crashing or causing errors?
I have had IE6 crash on me a couple times but it could be my system.
<!--me&crx girl--><span id='ME'><center>crx girl likes this thread</center></span><!--e-me--><table style=filter:glow(color=yellow)>it makes me smile!!!</table> Big Grin
crx girl Wrote:<table style=filter:glow(color=yellow)>it makes me smile!!!</table> Big Grin
No....... joke too easy....
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