Full Version: Bowling Check-In - Post here if you are going
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bitches, you know danielle has shotgun if we go
i'll fight her for it
i bet you would
Why not tape the sides of her eyes back and let George beat her up?
good idea considering how we missed it the first time!
Everyone wins!
I wanna see titties!
The Jays Wrote:I wanna see titties!
Quote:Officially Homosexual

Yes, because I asked to have that status just to make sure everyone knows the real deal.
Just wanted some clarification.
good posting as usual, jack
The Sleeper Wrote:good posting as usual, jack
you gotta give Jack props for being consistent.
We'll just call him Ol' Reliable from now on.
i couldnt get anyone to cover for me...working 2-10:30. i dont think i can make it saturday
just say you're too embarassed to come to one of these shindigs or ignore the thread like I did.
if most of us are coming from new york, why is this in new jersey?
cause thats where i called for the original one
are you going to this one?
nope. too much gay pride goin on in NYC, wouldn't miss that!
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