Full Version: Bowling Check-In - Post here if you are going
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If Hybrid goes and we don't I'll be very saddened.
yea im going
i will prob not be. alas. maybe one day you guys will do city and/or queens, and if so..i'm in. can't swing the trip on Sat.
Suzie Wrote:nope. too much gay pride goin on in NYC, wouldn't miss that!
come by dewey's, it's gonna be pretty crazy
Did they tell you I came by Sat during the BBQ festival? told the bartender to tell you hi when you came in Sun.
oh yeah, he told me the other day. he's such a little hottie isn't he, i wish he was 10 years older...
Remember when you used to love me?
I saw her first!!!
but I'm like -----><----- this close to gettin' in her pants!!! cockblocker!!!
You got a wife who still blows you and i've known her for 5 years, so tough noogies.
*shakes fist*
Gonzo Wrote:Remember when you used to love me?
everybody stop the thread! gonzo wants some attention.
dont "huh" me , mister man!
I'll show up late.

Might not make the bowling thing at all, but we can do the fight in the parking lot thing.

I guess, Dennis, call me like after 11.
board events are the bulk of alkies social life
I hope everybody reads what you just wrote and feels sad for you.
Quote:I guess, Dennis, call me like after 11.

I read this before the first part and was hoping it was about drugs
Play your cards right...
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