Full Version: Bowling Check-In - Post here if you are going
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Thanks for the call!
why did you want me to call you?
Sex and drugs...
if we would have went to fuddruckers first i bet more people would have showed up
Gonzo Wrote:I was gonna go if you went so we could be on the undercard of Laz's bout but alas you're a chump. Of course you being an emotional cripple you'll laugh it off and take the safe route of some lame old joke like that I never leave my one block radius or a fat joke, have fun though but you're still a chump.
spend an evening with a fat agoraphobic, a socially stunted thalidomide baby, and a confused teen carrying a notebook full of immature angst filled scribblings, in a bowling alley of all places.

If taking a pass on this makes me a chump, then i admit it, i am a chump. i am a big glorious chump and i roll around in a huge pit full of chumpness. i slather myself in the effluvia of chumpness and wear the ancient crown that signifies me king of all things chump. I rule over the kingdom called Chump and hold sway over its one huge chump of an inhabitant , me, the chump.
you would have been a welcome addition for the part of the evening I had planned where we sit and hurl insults from three years ago at each other
sorry, but i had to remain in the castle Chump, deep in the heart of Chumpylvania, and issue edicts from the fabled throne of chumpness.
Quote:a socially stunted thalidomide baby

for a second i thought this was me but the thalidomide part doesn't really make sense
if i had mentioned you i would have used a toilet masturbation comment from my stock of them.
I liked the illiterate jokes better
i figured that you couldnt read them so why bother.
ok noam chumpsky
oh sweet jesus......
Manufacturing Chumpsent
well, that kills it for me. i am done.
see ya, chump face
yes cause it was such a brilliant gag to begin with, chump potok
so who won?
blame gonzo. he started it. and chump potok was a real stretch.
the denny's corporation
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