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the only person i could attempt to give a complete bio on is myself. I took to many breaks to know stories on each person here.
i dont need stories. read the thread , you illiterate douche bag.
three fucking sentances!

Black Lazerus is a noble young man of African-American descent, and a former member from For over five years, he has given great insight into the world of black people to the white devils on, despite being an Uncle Tom. His most notable accomplishment came when he moderated his own discussion forum where "the Laz" gave the lowdown on how black people feel about living in a white universe.

Bam! Now you have to write someone else's, cuz i just summed yo black ass up!
simple yet eloquent.

another triumph for the jays!
I thought we were doing serious bios not make believe shit.

noble, since fuckin when?
Is anyone doing a bio on me?
Tequila : He used to have some really hot sig pics.
still need one for coreypsu33
I still have them on a cd somewhere.

Havent had the chance to look for them and up load them here.
i am sorry my reluctance is due to arpis involvement
fuck arpi

Black Lazerus Wrote:i am sorry my reluctance is due to arpis involvement

i thought we were tight!
we are but when you start demanding things my natural reaction is to resist
it's for the sake of the board, not for the sake of arpi.
Tequila Wrote:Is anyone doing a bio on me?

Overrated mexican wanna be pimp who tried to get his hands down the pants of every girl on and ymb but failed.

How's that?
you sound very bitter.
not bitter at all...just honest.

why don't you ask him yourself?
yeah I dont remember tequila ever trying to fuck anyone at any events or try to mack anyone off the board, especially since he always brought his wife with him to every party.

but you are a newbie, so what do you know, right?
yeah but his daugther must be 18 by now or 17 , NICE!!!
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