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then we are both happy!
yeah, so, the entry on wikipedia was deleted by an Australian high school student who is an administrator on there.
i am working on it.
Adolf Wrote:there's a ME in team though.

there's a ME in meow too, what's your point whiskers?
there's no me in team!

ME, which is the same as I. So therefore there is an I in team.

Wrap your minds around that one.
yes, the letters m and e are in team, but not the word me, so, no.
the letters m and e, spell me.

Just as the letter I, spells, I.

take your time.
yes, but only when you re-arrange the letters.

you cannot say that the word "me" can be found in the word "team"

take your time
theres no I in team, but thers an m and an e, which spells me.

Theres a me in team.

there is a "oopps" in "poops"
Adolf Wrote:theres no I in team, but thers an m and an e, which spells me.

Theres a me in team.


that's like calling check after opening the game by moving your pawn two spaces up.

this isn't anagrams, the letter e has to come right after the m in order for in to count as there being a "me" in team.

this is what you get for being homeschooled, you eunuch.
diceisgod Wrote:there is a "oopps" in "poops"

there is also "spoo"
again, no re-arrangement rule is in effect.
I make my own rules.
you should make it a rule to show up to TGI Fridays when invited
The Jays Wrote:again, no re-arrangement rule is in effect.

this rule is only in josh e jays world, it doesnt apply to the real world.

check and mate.
The Jays Wrote:you should make it a rule to show up to TGI Fridays when invited

if I could've been there, I would've. getting home at 7:15 and having to be daddy took precedence.
I woulda come too but not hanging out with staten island trash took precedence for me.
you're a smart pussy.
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