Full Version: a project for you all
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I will take great care with it and make it as concise yet full of information, as I can.

i have other member specific projects. danked, sleeper, and i had for one for DIG but he has made his thoughts on the idea known.
project is such an ugly word. niggers live there
i want you to describe your view of the circumstances of the death of YMB and
diceisgod Wrote:project is such an ugly word. niggers live there

I used to live in the projects!!!

and you're correct.
If you are writing this for the Wikipedia entry, write the blurbs about the members in a way that parodies the ending of the movie the Sandlot.
I ain't watching sandlot, so i'm out.
Jack Wrote:If you are writing this for the Wikipedia entry, write the blurbs about the members in a way that parodies the ending of the movie the Sandlot.

uh, no.
I watched sandlot when it originally came out in like 93 or so and it was good at the time. I tried watching it again a few years ago and not as good as I remembered it.
I never saw the movie in it's entirety. I just remember the last about 45 minutes to a half hour. I remember James Earl Jones being blind and giving them the signed baseball and then the ending.
I liked the begining but when it turned into the whole battle with the crazy dog, I lost interest.
back to the project!

someone pick a name and get started.
I'll take snuka and seph.
thank you.
anything for my punim.
i'm gonna let you fuck me in the butt if this keeps up.
my status has changed 3 times today
It's not me, it's too much of a hassle on this new software. I only did Jays.
it is hedcold.
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