Full Version: so i was browsing myspace for whores
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ask her if she likes cheap trick
Quote:From: Bess

Date: Dec 18, 2005 2:04 PM Flag spam/abuse. [ ? ]
Subject: RE: RE: Re:hey
Body: wow you people seriously need to get a life.
but however freaked out i am right now, im also intrigued as to what this guy looks like. can you send me a pic? and no i wont have sex in the butt with you, i thought i made that clear with the whole calling you a fag thing.

buuuuuurn, she said you guys are fags.

my reply to shim
Quote:<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 9910_l.jpg</a><!-- m -->

ok so you should join and become the 13th asshole member then I can win you over and settle for sex in your vagina.

Your future husband
Will she show us her floppy teat's?
uh, she just called you a fag
you should send her one of the photoshopped photos, preferably one of the toilet ones.
i bet she has a lovely pair of green pants.
i am still thrilled that at some point she was here checking us out, reading our words. i feel so dirty.
diceisgod Wrote:you should send her one of the photoshopped photos, preferably one of the toilet ones.

the one with sleeper on the can reading a book would be superb.
he jerks off on the toilet, he reads on the toilet, he is obsessed with the toilet!
the toilet is such a fascinating object. it's like a porcelin fountain. i even throw pennies in mine for good luck.
so did she get extra freaked out i used her pic as my avatar?
its not all about you, hedcold.
The Sleeper Wrote:uh, she just called you a fag

Oh sorry, I didn't mean to mix up your message.
when are you takin' her out to the diner?
Thankfully that diner was torn down, if anyone cared I posted a pic of the site in my "day in the life" thread but it went wasted on you people.
all I remember was the pic of Blueberry Crack brewing in the pot.
and my semen on the floor.
I somehow missed that.
it was one the last pics.
[Image: my%20seed.jpg]
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