Full Version: so i was browsing myspace for whores
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nice wood floor
Sometimes I just don't want to believe the things he says and then he goes and posts a picture of his semen on the floor.
he should have spelled his name out with it
dont give him any ideas!
You just planned his next weekend.
that picture skeeved me out more than anything that's ever been posted
We've fallen so far from grace we're lying on the floor in a puddle of spooge.
Sounds like just another Friday night!
Well well, aren't you just a filthy girl?
shes all talk
That's what you think.
be quiet before you get smacked across the face
Silence, Friday's flatleaver!
we should all take pictures of our board names spelled out in some outrageous/disturbing way.

Galt can find a squirter to spell out his name.
fridays next week, deal, deal, DONE.
I tried masturbating over the toilet so I could take a pic for sleeper tribute but my knees buckled when I came and I almost opened up my head on the door knob.
Quote:From: Bess

Date: Dec 19, 2005 12:04 AM Flag spam/abuse. [ ? ]
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re:hey
Body: lmao uh no thanks. that guy doesnt really look like me. he kinda looks like my dad when he was fifteen

well that's that.
shes just in denial
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