Full Version: so i was browsing myspace for whores
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Bess had asked me about the board and what we are so I sent her the board description thing I wrote for the wikipedia thing.

She then replied:

Quote:wow lol thats some history. i never really knew chat boards were such a big thing. i tried to join a couple in high school, but i lost interest because it seemed like you had to have been there from the beginning to know exactly what the fuck was going on. i had a friend who was into them, but she was a crazy bitch so i eventually shunned the idea. lol but its kind of cool that you have a board for your friends. it seems like it would be a good idea if you know the people on it already. lol anyway.... i approve. Wink it would probably take a little more coaxing for me to join a chatboard tho, i have a crazy mental block against it.
go put some butter in your ass and a lolipop in your mouth, mr. simple pleasure.
the truth hurts, you just now realize what an asshole you were for spending all that time making sure it was perfect and pretty.

all you needed was to paste some skeezer on there and you'd have won.
ugh, i'm glad you were deleted before that contest went down
i'm dissapointed this thread doesn't have more myspace whore pics
Like I woulda cared what you peons were doing with your little contests at the time either way.
exactly, you emotionless fuck
You seem to get upset when someones opinion doesn't match yours, it's a nice photoshop but it's just too artsy.

there's too many notes herr maestro.
how is it artsy? its two dumb fucks pasted on to the memento poster. it's not a jackson pollack.

guess i shouldve gone for the public school art class style and used broken crayons, macaroni, and some construction paper
where the fuck are the whores?
see, simple fellows.
still waiting
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