Full Version: Where have all the cowboys gone? - Questions part deux
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Do they sell cats there?
Did you know if you want cats in New York, you go to Chinatown?
Can I still get a good combination plate of General Tso's chicken down there as well?
What do I look like Digital City New York?
Would you be surprised to learn that it doesn't mean dick anyway since I'm in Cleveland?
Would you be surprised that I already knew you lived in Cleveland because I've spoken to you before under another name?
Does that mean I can touch you in naughty places now?
Can we not talk about these things out in the open? Don't you think it would be best if we kept it quiet?
Why are we being quiet? Is this a library?
Don't you know about the way rumors spread? Do you want everyone to know you like it when I strap it on?
Isn't it Arpi who liked that?
Are you denying that you liked it too?
If I say yes, can I still get my SAG card?
Did you ever squeeze the shit out of a catfish?
What the fuck does that have to do with the fact no one can understand a god damned word Ozzy is saying in his fucking show?
Maybe you should see if it has caption vision?
Now why the hell would I want to pretend I'm a deaf person?
Because its fun?
What do deaf people do if they fall asleep and the fire alarm goes off?
Pray that they smell the smoke before its to late and they die in a firey inferno of a bed?
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