Full Version: Where have all the cowboys gone? - Questions part deux
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don't know, wanna check for me?
who has roid rage?
speaking of roids, has anyone seen snuka and ken?
Uh...Grumpy, can I pass on that?

Is roid rage anything like road rage? :clueless:
Why did Luna bring this back up?
if I hit the old lady going 20 MPH in the left lane and make her swerve into a that teh funney?
don't you win a prize for that grump?
Quote:Why did Luna bring this back up?

Why not? Are you going to have a temper tantrum? :-o
if he does, you think he'll kill gilligan this time?
Will you spank me if i do?
does luna want cheesecake for finding this wonderful marvelous thread?
Can I get a chocolate mousse instead? :-D
Would you like some special "cream sauce" with your chocolate mousse?
You have a special cream sauce to go on chocolate mousse? :-o

Quote:Will you spank me if i do? have no idea what I'd like to do to you, do you? :burnfucker:
will this do luna?
[Image: tvs2438.jpg] can I thank you, Skitch? :loveya:
My place or yours, Luna?
Didn't she say Skitch?
Is Keyser a cock blocker today?
does luna want beads too?

[Image: BLUDANGLENK.jpg]

Edited By Skitchr4u on May 15 2002 at 10:29
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