Full Version: Where have all the cowboys gone? - Questions part deux
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Why would I think otherwise?
So I guess no one wants to help me clean? Would it sweeten the deal if I promised to feed you?
May I ask what's on the menu?
How about chicken prepared any way you like and my homemade brownies?
Did you say BROWNIES?!?
Are you hard of hearing? Do you like brownies?
can i have a brownie? {Big Grin}
Will you help me clean?
cant we just throw out the pan and forget about it? {:p}
Didn't you know I always try to use pans I don't have to clean? Did you know I meant my room?
Is your room clean yet?
Did you think it would be? Do you want to vaccum?
Does your vacuum suck?
Why yes it does, would you like a demonstration?
How big is the nozzle?
The douche nozzle?
Did I say anything about LZMF?
I don't know, did you?
Do you post in any other threads but this one?
There are other threads?
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