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What exactly should and shouldnt be said in a post? What is right and wrong?

I personally don't care what people post. I'm sure you and many others don't think that. But I don't really care. I just can't figure out WHY you post what you do. To continually denounce threads because they are "chat" threads, or because I'm expressing what my mood is or what's in my brain by posting a lunch thread. Is it the greatest content? NO! Of course not. I never said it was. But, is going in there and saying that THIS IS DUMB! good content either? NO!

You can say what you want, where you want, and so can I. I just don't see why every thread has to be gold in your eyes. Why can't people be mindless sometimes. Do I get pissed when you post that shit putting down one of those threads? Yes. Do I ask you to stop? Yes. But only because I don't understand why you do it. Not because I'm a mod and I'm telling you to stop. I'm not doing that at all so please don't think I am. I'm doing it as a member of the board that just doesn't get you. You may not get me either. In fact, I KNOW alot of you don't get me. But at least others have accepted my eccentric posting style.
you are so butch. i've got goose bumps
Eat my ass bizzach.
Keyser is still at it with this shit?

Sorry, Maymay.....I have to say this....and yes, I know it is your thread...but...

If you don't like something move are just making yourself look like a dick everytime you jump in and state your worthless opinion of a topic.

I can now see why you were banned from other message are just so damned relentless.

Edited By LunaBabe on April 05 2002 at 1:35
shall i bring my own spoon, or will you supply one?
A few chat threads is fine but when half the threads are about what you had for lunch or what time it is or any number of gimmick threads that are nothing but mindless drivel begin to accumulate it starts to get tedious and boring. If the threads are nothing but nonsense what does it matter if I happen to throw a wiseass comment into them? You can post whatever you want, and I can respond however I want. For you to tell me its okay to post mindless chat threads and then tell me its not cool to respond to them because I don't like them is not fair. My enjoyment is poking fun at the innaneness of the thread, yours is posting the innaneness. Every Ying needs its Yang,

If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. I am part of the problem because I really haven't posted any thought provoking threads lately. I shouldn't complain about lack of interesting threads when I am not even creating any. However I am impressed by other people here who have created threads of substance and I have responded to them. The board is doing fine, there are people here who have something to add and inspire me to respond. If the chat threads are just mindless bullshit, why can't I play along and reply with mindless bullshit?

EDIT: Luna, Maynard started this thread. I'm just responding. I didn't bring this topic up, you could all let it die for all I care.

Edited By Keyser Soze on April 05 2002 at 1:37
its all about you keyser, isn't it?
this about keyser and not my period in questions, right?
how is it about me? i'm just one person expressing my opinion. should i just play along and act like i like chat threads?
" For you to tell me "

this is what i meant.
Why have you taken it upon yourself to be a self-appointed moderator and a critic of thread topics?
Why are you obsessed with it?
luna, i didnt start this topic, im responding to it with my opinion, should i not say anything?

EDIT: you are right arpi, i should have said "for you to tell ANYONE"

Edited By Keyser Soze on April 05 2002 at 1:44
"should i not say anything?"

it would be a nice change of pace
should maynard stop posting chat threads?
Quote:Why have you taken it upon yourself to be a self-appointed moderator and a critic of thread topics?
First off, my displeasure with Keyser and his responses have NOTHING to do with board policy or me being a mod. They are merely MY displeasure with his responses. I try and always state that. Keyser is NOT breaking any board rules or anything. I don't think he's trying to act like a mod. I just think he's very opinionated, and has a bitter attitude toward anything he doesn't like.
"should maynard stop posting chat threads?"

no, but you should ignore them if they cause you this much pain. some people like them and dont need you shitting in their wheaties just cause you have a bug up your ass
Quote:should maynard stop posting chat threads?
In the minorities eyes. Yes.

I NEVER NEVER NEVER start a thread with any kind of intention of it being a "chat" thread. I don't turn it into a chat thred. Other people do that.
what he said. yeah
Quote:what he said. yeah
i got your back, bro. you and me against all these motherfuckers!! that's right!! uh huh!! BRING IT!!
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