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bring that little motherfucker back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't be an asshole Arpi.

Use the fucking html.
Quote:bring that little motherfucker back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

like this really required an entire thread to express.
Oh look. Keyser knows his html. Are you too stupid to figure it out?
so what are you having for lunch?
Quote:so what are you having for lunch?
I don't know yet. Any suggestions?
html is for nerds. i want it handed to me on a silver platter
Ginko biloba.
"Ginko biloba"

every time i say that ,i giggle
So, I figured with all the pot I smoke I was killing alot of my memory. So I started taking ginko biloba hoping to restore the brain cells I've been killing. So now the two just cancel each other out.
Quote:So, I figured with all the pot I smoke I was killing alot of my memory. So I started taking ginko biloba hoping to restore the brain cells I've been killing. So now the two just cancel each other out.

Edited By Maynard on April 05 2002 at 3:36
Is there a reason you're quoting me (but not really quoting me) but not saying anything?
Kill me after I've said this....but I'm with Arpi. I miss the tool bar too. Not so much the quote button....that was nice too. But I liked other features as well.
I think its best for the board the way it is now. Sometimes you have to sacrifice some features to make things run smoother.
Quote:Is there a reason you're quoting me (but not really quoting me) but not saying anything?


Quote:but I'm with Arpi

they all come to me eventually. just relax baby and let me drive.

Edited By Maynard on April 05 2002 at 3:35
Quote:Is there a reason you're quoting me (but not really quoting me) but not saying anything?
Did you say something?
McBourbon, I EXPLAINED to you in that PM why we did it. Did you really need to say it again here? I told you it's coming back.
Quote:McBourbon, I EXPLAINED to you in that PM why we did it. Did you really need to say it again here? I told you it's coming back

Edited By Maynard on April 05 2002 at 3:35
Maynerd is gonna hate me more than usual...
Arpi is making me laugh. :lol:
I know, Maynard. I just wanted to get my post count up. I'm a filthy whore. And besides...Arpi started the thread....don't come after me. I just seconded the motion.
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