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Charles Manson Wrote:Snakespheare in love

GonzoStyle Wrote:yet goat gets pissed at me for trying to start the questions game thread, fuckin snake.

I did?
Star Trek 3:The Search for Snakes
Close Encounters of the Snake Kind
escape from new york
Big Snake in Little China
Keyser Soze Wrote:escape from new york

keyser is officially an idiot savant, it took me a second but then BOOM!
Goatweed Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:yet goat gets pissed at me for trying to start the questions game thread, fuckin snake.

I did?

you and your butt buddy jack kept on moving the fuckin thread, cause you're a couple of whiney bitches. Boo hoo someones actually posting, but it annoys ME so lets move the thread until they stop, waaaa waaaa.

well they stopped and hence this is all your fault.
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Goatweed Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:yet goat gets pissed at me for trying to start the questions game thread, fuckin snake.

I did?

you and your butt buddy jack kept on moving the fuckin thread, cause you're a couple of whiney bitches. Boo hoo someones actually posting, but it annoys ME so lets move the thread until they stop, waaaa waaaa.

well they stopped and hence this is all your fault.

Is it all their fault?
I blame the majority of it on goat, jack was just his little sidekick.
GonzoStyle Wrote:I blame the majority of it on goat, jack was just his little sidekick.

didnt that happen a while ago?
few months ago i think, but can we start one now?
shouldnt we make a new thread for it?
Is this becoming it?
but what about the Snake game?
what snake game?
did you miss the first 4 pages of this thread?
don't you think that game has run its course?
no, do you?
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