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Is that infection going to spread to other threads instead?
there are other threads?
What the Snake do we know?
as bad a turn as this thread has taken, I am still fairly certain that this thread is more entertaining than the movie.

I can tell by the commercials they are playing for it. They're showing a frame from the film then doing the really cheesey night vision shot of the audiences reaction, only really bad movies get spots like that. If you can't even come up with enough decent material for a 28 second spot, that speaks volumes.
Well I read a story today that fans are doing a complete 180 and saying they are glad the movie isn't doing well at the box office because it will then become a cult classic on dvd and become even better. I swear this movie has the best
spin-doctoring this side of the Bush whitehouse
i got a phone call from samuel l. jackson today asking me to go see the movie.
me too, but I got it last week I was like wtf who gave out my cell number?
LOL sam jackson called me and said "motherfucker!!!"
he said something about me being in real estate, I shoudlve saved it.
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Keyser Soze Wrote:i got a phone call from samuel l. jackson today asking me to go see the movie.

Did you ask him if he wanted to see your cock?
it was a prerecorded message. i asked anyway, pretending he might say yes.

has anyone suggested planes on a snake yet?
Never miss an opportunity no matter how great or small...I like that.

My Snake Vinny
I Know What You Snaked Last Summer
Blade: Trinisnakity
Lord of the Rings:The Fellowship of the Snakes
it'd be funnier if you all had followed my lead of "snakes on a train" and actually wrote little plots for these films.
I already did snakes on a train you numb armed fool.
Office Snakes
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