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The Snakeing
cold day in snake
charlie and the snake factory....a young boy wins a trip to a chocolate factory only to find out that in fact, it's been overrun with snakes and only he can stop them
Barely Snake 13
Supersnake Me
faceman802 Wrote:charlie and the snake factory....a young boy wins a trip to a chocolate factory only to find out that in fact, it's been overrun with snakes and only he can stop them

Austin Powers: The Snake Who Shagged Me
Throw Snakes from a train.
Snake Gun
The Snake Of New York
The Snakebook, young lovers seperated by war, the solider sends his love a snake once a day for a year, only to have them intercepted by her cold blooded mother.
Snake Trek: The Search for Snakes
Up In Snake.....two stoner buddies smoke anacondas and hi jinks ensue.
16 Snakes
Don't Tell Mom The Snake Is Dead
Keyser Soze Wrote:The Snakebook, young lovers seperated by war, the solider sends his love a snake once a day for a year, only to have them intercepted by her cold blooded mother.

then the jokes on him cause snakes are cold blooded by nature!!!

speaking of genius, how's your screenplay coming along? youre gonna add snakes to the story now, right?
Galts prediction, much like his taste in films, was flawed.

Seems like snakes after almost a month has completely vanished from the box office top 10 and seems to have tanked out at $26,319,390.
faceman802 Wrote:
HedCold Wrote:so who are going to be the old people here to show their age and call it stupid and "not get it"?

i'm seeing it later tonight. can't wait!

So just because I think that this movie is stupid it means I'm old? and before I get accused of not "getting it", I "get it' there are snakes and they are on a plane because someone is trying to get a mob witness and snakes seem like a good idea. It's not really that deep. But I do agree with samuel on 1 point, I too am sick of these motherfucking snakes on that motherfucking plane and on my motherfucking tv and the motherfucking internet and even stories about it on my motherfucking radio
well I'm old and I hate snakes.. they freak me the eff out. I don't get it nor do I think I even want to attempt to get it. The idea of snakes on a plane freaks me out, man.

yeah, I know I took an old topic and topped it. I suck like that.

Fuck Snakes on a Plane.
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