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arpi, will you sing a duet with me?

i'll be cher and you can be sonny.
oh yeah!! i will even bring a sheepfur vest!
happy belated bday, bud.
it was actually early, I fucked it up :/

2 1/2 hours and it's legit.
so I went out just now for a smoke and the bosses kids were out there playing. His son wishes me a happy birthday and then says "my daddy bought a cake!!!"

So I say "yeah I think that was meant to be a surprise"

so he follows up with "AND CANDLES TOO!!!"

That home schooling is paying off like fuckin gangbusters.
Kids are honest.. gotta love it!
It's probably like fuckin chocolate cake, he got it for himself cause he knows I won't eat cake.

slick jew
You realize that your little transformation here is why I hate fat people, right?

All you're doing is reinforcing my belief that every obese person can easily get their weight under control (without being even more lazy by cheating with surgery) if they would just stop being a glutton and a sloth.

It is the only acceptable predjudice left.
yeah but that can be said for any person with an addiction. It's obvious to say hey junkie, stop shooting up, or hey alcoholic stop drinking. It's a disease and unfair to simplify it like that. Just like with any of the other addictions, one day you realize you are ruining your life and you quit.
To be fair, I hate junkies and alchoholics too.

But everyone does, so that's not just me.

And "just stop it" is an effective ad slogan which I support

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GonzoStyle Wrote:yeah but that can be said for any person with an addiction. It's obvious to say hey junkie, stop shooting up, or hey alcoholic stop drinking. It's a disease and unfair to simplify it like that. Just like with any of the other addictions, one day you realize you are ruining your life and you quit.

if it were a disease it would be covered under health insurance
well everyone has an addiction to something, some have healthy addictions, some have unhealthy ones. Like I may have given up being a fat disgusting slob who over indulges in food. But now I am obessesed with with eat well, nutrition and working out. So it's still a need to obsess, just a healthier one.
faceman802 Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:yeah but that can be said for any person with an addiction. It's obvious to say hey junkie, stop shooting up, or hey alcoholic stop drinking. It's a disease and unfair to simplify it like that. Just like with any of the other addictions, one day you realize you are ruining your life and you quit.

if it were a disease it would be covered under health insurance

How is a dependancy on food, different from alcohol or drugs? It's the ignorance on the subject, is why it isnt covered and why this country has gotten fatter and fatter to epedemic proportions now. Most people don't eat just because they enjoy the actual food, sure thats where they get their pleasure from, just like a high from drugs. But it's a more deeper emotionally imbalance that causes it.
It's the difference between eating to live and living to eat that makes all the difference.
It's the greedy corporations, man. Cheyney and big oil want everyone to consume and get fatter and keep eating to fatten the wallets of the corporate fat cats!

And no, not everyone is addicted to something. I'm not.

Heroin and food are wildly different. People don't go into withdrawl convulsions because they aren't eating a twinkie. It happens with addictive drugs, and cigarettes, but not food.

You just get hungry and wish for more tastey food. It's like saying you're addicted to shopping.
Galt Wrote:It's the greedy corporations, man. Cheyney and big oil want everyone to consume and get fatter and keep eating to fatten the wallets of the corporate fat cats!

And no, not everyone is addicted to something. I'm not.

Heroin and food are wildly different. People don't go into withdrawl convulsions because they aren't eating a twinkie. It happens with addictive drugs, and cigarettes, but not food.

You just get hungry and wish for more tastey food. It's like saying you're addicted to shopping.

You can't understand what its like to be a junkie, cause you aren't, just as I cant but I can understand what its like to be addicted to food.

And everyone has an addiction to something but to you of course it doesnt seem like an addiction. Something, whether its money, food, drugs, sex, work, alcohol, etc.
I'm addicted to CDIH!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111
see, goat needs to be a douchebag at all times.
faceman802 Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:yeah but that can be said for any person with an addiction. It's obvious to say hey junkie, stop shooting up, or hey alcoholic stop drinking. It's a disease and unfair to simplify it like that. Just like with any of the other addictions, one day you realize you are ruining your life and you quit.

if it were a disease it would be covered under health insurance

it is.
Galt Wrote:You realize that your little transformation here is why I hate fat people, right?

All you're doing is reinforcing my belief that every obese person can easily get their weight under control (without being even more lazy by cheating with surgery) if they would just stop being a glutton and a sloth.

It is the only acceptable predjudice left.

luckily i am here to bring it all back home. Rest easy, Galt, my boy.
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