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Gooch Wrote:
faceman802 Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:yeah but that can be said for any person with an addiction. It's obvious to say hey junkie, stop shooting up, or hey alcoholic stop drinking. It's a disease and unfair to simplify it like that. Just like with any of the other addictions, one day you realize you are ruining your life and you quit.

if it were a disease it would be covered under health insurance

it is.

So weight watchers or stuff like that is covered under health insurance?
I have never encountered anyone who makes less sense than you.

What is that line supposed to mean? Bring what home? That fat people are truly lazy eating machines, or that they aren't? That it's an acceptable predjudice or not?

Do you even understand what you write?
faceman802 Wrote:
Gooch Wrote:
faceman802 Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:yeah but that can be said for any person with an addiction. It's obvious to say hey junkie, stop shooting up, or hey alcoholic stop drinking. It's a disease and unfair to simplify it like that. Just like with any of the other addictions, one day you realize you are ruining your life and you quit.

if it were a disease it would be covered under health insurance

it is.

So weight watchers or stuff like that is covered under health insurance?

no, but a nutrutionist might be covered (depends on plan) or surgery (if morbidly obese...100lbs or more).
Galt Wrote:I have never encountered anyone who makes less sense than you.

What is that line supposed to mean? Bring what home? That fat people are truly lazy eating machines, or that they aren't? That it's an acceptable predjudice or not?

Do you even understand what you write?

dude, you really need to chill. go eat some fungus.
GonzoStyle Wrote:You can't understand what its like to be a junkie, cause you aren't, just as I cant but I can understand what its like to be addicted to food.

And everyone has an addiction to something but to you of course it doesnt seem like an addiction. Something, whether its money, food, drugs, sex, work, alcohol, etc.

Saying everyone is addicted to something is a cliche. It's a bullshit plattitude told to people who are addicted to something in order to make them feel better and less like a misfit. "No, you're normal, really. You're addicted to food. Every else is addicted to something. You just need to find another addiction!"

Rather than saying, "hey you eat too much - eat less. Hey, why not spend 30 minutes a day at a gym instead of watching TV, or better yet, eating"

Same as "don't drink more than 6 drinks within a 12 hour span, and you won't ruin your life by being a drunk"


It's easy for me to say because I'm not addicted. But I'm not addicted because I have the willpower and control to a) prevent me from doing something so much so as to have an addiction to it and b) realize that I'm eating too much or drinking too much or spending too much time doing whatever to the point that it's affecting me negatively to curb my habits before they become a problem.

That lack of control, or even caring about control is at the core of "addiction", which is not a chemical thing; it's a personality flaw. The fact that it's treatable just by self-realization proves that it's not an "addiction", which is chemical.

An "emotional" or "mental" addiction is just a PC buzzword for being weakwilled and apthetic.
Gooch Wrote:
Galt Wrote:I have never encountered anyone who makes less sense than you.

What is that line supposed to mean? Bring what home? That fat people are truly lazy eating machines, or that they aren't? That it's an acceptable predjudice or not?

Do you even understand what you write?

dude, you really need to chill. go eat some fungus.

So you also don't know what was the point of your post either.
Is being an uncaring prick a personality flaw?

And not an addiction. See Facey gets it.
Galt Wrote:
Gooch Wrote:
Galt Wrote:I have never encountered anyone who makes less sense than you.

What is that line supposed to mean? Bring what home? That fat people are truly lazy eating machines, or that they aren't? That it's an acceptable predjudice or not?

Do you even understand what you write?

dude, you really need to chill. go eat some fungus.

So you also don't know what was the point of your post either.

it was to say that I am the example of what you were looking for still, and that you didn't need to worry anymore. you are such a boorish prickly sot when you don't get people talking about what you want.
Galt Wrote:absolutely.

And not an addiction. See Facey gets it.

how about narcissism? can one be addicted to ones self?
that would fall under "uncaring prick" though to a larger degree.

And I STILL don't understand your post. You are the example of what I was looking for still? Huh? Not only do you switch tenses for some reason, but even if it were consistent, I still have no idea what I was supposedly "looking for"

Am I alone in this? Does anyone else have significant difficulty stripping apart your writing for the actual point?
Galt Wrote:that would fall under "uncaring prick" though to a larger degree.

And I STILL don't understand your post. You are the example of what I was looking for still? Huh? Not only do you switch tenses for some reason, but even if it were consistent, I still have no idea what I was supposedly "looking for"

Am I alone in this? Does anyone else have significant difficulty stripping apart your writing for the actual point?

sounds like me your addicted to trying to find the point in gooch's writing
Galt Wrote:that would fall under "uncaring prick" though to a larger degree.

And I STILL don't understand your post. You are the example of what I was looking for still? Huh? Not only do you switch tenses for some reason, but even if it were consistent, I still have no idea what I was supposedly "looking for"

Am I alone in this? Does anyone else have significant difficulty stripping apart your writing for the actual point?

so one post out of my last 10 is a problem??? Is this todays issue? Chalk it up to an unfunny misfire. Stop being addicted to my ramblings, fool.
faceman802 Wrote:
Galt Wrote:that would fall under "uncaring prick" though to a larger degree.

And I STILL don't understand your post. You are the example of what I was looking for still? Huh? Not only do you switch tenses for some reason, but even if it were consistent, I still have no idea what I was supposedly "looking for"

Am I alone in this? Does anyone else have significant difficulty stripping apart your writing for the actual point?

sounds like me your addicted to trying to find the point in gooch's writing

Now it does really all come home. Booya!
the 1 in 10 was actually the last three posts about the subject.

And only 10% of the time do I point out your putrid writing abilities.
this fell apart fast.
so what did you do with all your old clothes? Hopefull you gave them away you realize that if you gain weight back you'll have to buy a whole new wardrobe (again)
Galt Wrote:so what did you do with all your old clothes? Hopefull you gave them away you realize that if you gain weight back you'll have to buy a whole new wardrobe (again)

Actually I was telling that story the other day at beths house.

I put everything in garbage bags and was gonna throw it out. Then I said to moms that maybe I should donate it to the homeless or something. To which she replied "yeah, cause theres a bunch of homeless guys walking around with a need for a 6x sweater and a 62 inch waist, they're fuckin homeless, stupid!!!"
they could use it to insulate their boxes. Or they could take it apart and make three or four regular person sweaters.

Regardless, even if it's junk, you can donate the shit to goodwill and get a tax credit. Say the wardrobe is worth $1,000, you get a couple hundred off your taxes. Just get a receipt.

The best part is YOU TELL THEM how much it's worth.
I remember going to a nutritionist about a year ago. I have to say that, as I was sitting there listening to her spiel, the thought that kept going through my head was...I wish this bitch would drop dead right now in front of me. They make it sound so fucking easy to change your whole lifestyle. It isn't easy. It is fucking hard. I am overweight and I know I need to change that, but don't try to sugarcoat it for me like some fairy tale, especially when she was an anorexic bitch who probably binged and purged for all of her teenage years.

That is why I asked Gonzo how he did it. He has been where I am at. I know he won't bullshit about how EASY it was.

That being said, I don't feel like I am addicted to food. I just got used to eating shit, and I am realizing that it is time for a change. I do know that addictions are a fucking bitch to kick, since I have seen friends ruin their lives by giving in to their addictions. One of my friends got strung out and jumped off a roof. Another got so deep into the bookies, he tried to jump out his window, and had a nervous breakdown.

I just know I don't want to drop dead of a heart attack before I can get married, or have kids, or become as good a poster as Gonzo. Big Grin
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