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Realize that everyone would prefer to gorge on unhealthy food, but they don't. I'd obviously like to eat Burger King every day. It tastes better than eating a can of tuna, or having a salad for lunch. But people eat healthy and sacrifice to stay healthy. It's not like you're unfortunately unlucky because you like to eat a lot of unhealthy food.

And I hate going to the gym. It sucks. I'd rather go to the dentist. Very few people enjoy it, and I think the only ones who do, are addicted to working out.

Point is; eating healthier and working out sucks, it's not fun, and no one likes it. But being a whale who wheezes when they breathe, sweats when they walk up stairs, and dies young is less fun.
I understand your points, but I do not feel unlucky in the slightest. I understand that my being fat is my own fault because I let it happen. I fell into a state of depression several years ago and never addressed it until fairly recently. I let myself get into bad eating patterns, and my weight skyrocketed.
I have decided that I wil change this way of living.

I never said I wheezed when I breathed, nor do I sweat when I walk up stairs. I am not homebound in my bed waiting for the EMTS to come with a crane to lift me out of my house.
Galt Wrote:Realize that everyone would prefer to gorge on unhealthy food, but they don't. I'd obviously like to eat Burger King every day. It tastes better than eating a can of tuna, or having a salad for lunch. But people eat healthy and sacrifice to stay healthy. It's not like you're unfortunately unlucky because you like to eat a lot of unhealthy food.

And I hate going to the gym. It sucks. I'd rather go to the dentist. Very few people enjoy it, and I think the only ones who do, are addicted to working out.

Point is; eating healthier and working out sucks, it's not fun, and no one likes it. But being a whale who wheezes when they breathe, sweats when they walk up stairs, and dies young is less fun.

It must be so nice to be the most perfect person on the face of the earth because thats the way you make yourself sound.
how does that make him sound like the most perfect person on earth? if he was perfect he would enjoy working out and enjoy eating healthy foods.
i dont make my judgement off of one post but after reading more than a few of his condescending, better than thou posts.
nobody is better than you unless you say they are, which speaks more about your insecurities than his self confidence.
take your psychobabble somewhere else
just playing along with your armchair analysis of galt. if you don't want to be the subject, don't make yourself the judge either.
yeah but I didn't say I felt inferior to him, you made that up yourself. I clearly stated that his posts are of a sort that try to push himself over everyone else as the "superior" being. I didn't mention my feelings specifically. Maybe he feels the need to "put himself over" so to speak so no one will do it for him, maybe he is superior to us in all aspects, maybe he's just an asshole. I don't know. You must since you've come to his defense so quickly, so tell us, what sort of person is galt
Keyser Soze Wrote:nobody is better than you unless you say they are, which speaks more about your insecurities than his self confidence.

and that's the 2nd time you've talked about my "insecurities", are you inside my head now and know how I think?
faceman802 Wrote:yeah but I didn't say I felt inferior to him, you made that up yourself. I clearly stated that his posts are of a sort that try to push himself over everyone else as the "superior" being. I didn't mention my feelings specifically. Maybe he feels the need to "put himself over" so to speak so no one will do it for him, maybe he is superior to us in all aspects, maybe he's just an asshole. I don't know. You must since you've come to his defense so quickly, so tell us, what sort of person is galt

i don't see him as superior to anyone here, i think he makes some very valid points. what exactly that he said is upsetting to you?
is this therapy session covered by insurance?
faceman802 Wrote:
Keyser Soze Wrote:nobody is better than you unless you say they are, which speaks more about your insecurities than his self confidence.

and that's the 2nd time you've talked about my "insecurities", are you inside my head now and know how I think?

i don't recall calling you insecure before, like i said before, if you don't want to be analyzed maybe you shouldn't be offering your own analysis of others.
1. I was speaking in generalities, not to what's-his-face directly. I have no idea if you weeze whe you breathe (a thing I hear often on the elevator) or sweat when walking up stairs (a thing I see often on the subway)

2. I in one aspect of my life, I am better than people who have no self control and either let food, laziness, alcohol, drugs, or whatever else ruin their life. Those with self control are better than those who have no self control. In other areas of life, they may be better than I am. Maybe they are more charitable, funnier, smarter, love more easily, whatever. There many aspects of someone's value. While I will freely mock each and every time, and clearly and without shame state my utter superiority as a person in each individual characteristic, I have rarely (though I know I most certainly have in my posting life - with good reason) stated with conviction that I am better than someone else as a whole.

But this bullshit enabling sympathy I hear (not just on this board) about people who are actively destroying their lives with food or drugs or some other type of sloth/gluttony masks the real issue. It's not an addiction, it's not biological, any genetic disposition is minimal copmaratively, it's the person who is commiting an action to themselves with they and they alone are 100% responsible for.

That does not imply that they are just a shit person. Depression is a very logical catalyst, and by no means am I discounting that, I've been depressed; I gained weight because of it. And I'm sure my depression pales in comparison to what most people are going through / have gone through, because, let's be honest; my life rules. But still, as was mentioned by whoever-the-poster-is that he/she is responsible for his/her actions alone.

I'm again speaking in generalities, and not saying that that guy is blaming anyone else, but I the point is that the passing the buck from the fatties, druggies, drunks to anyone or anything other than 100% themselves is counter productive and merely lets them feel better about continuing their horrible lifestyles. It's OK to make people feel like shit about themselves. Especially when they deserve it; or when it's fun. Good can come out of tough love.
Keyser Soze Wrote:
faceman802 Wrote:
Keyser Soze Wrote:nobody is better than you unless you say they are, which speaks more about your insecurities than his self confidence.

and that's the 2nd time you've talked about my "insecurities", are you inside my head now and know how I think?

i don't recall calling you insecure before, like i said before, if you don't want to be analyzed maybe you shouldn't be offering your own analysis of others.

you can analyze me all you want
what points exactly are you disagreeing with that galt made?
I think the big difference between obese people and druggies and drunks are that obese people are only hurting themselves where as drunks and druggies have a greater chance of taking other people with them when they make their inevitable fall. That's the reason obesity is seen as a "lesser" evil and why drugs and alcohol are seen as bad vices. No one is going to kill someone eating and driving
I would venture to say that "fat" hurts this country more economically than "drugs" in that massive fatsos dramatically increase healthcare costs for everyone else.

Druggies normally just kill themselves or rot their lives away.

While fat fucks like Gooch will eat deepfried twinkies with mayonnaise for 30 years and then have their health insurance company pay $100k to staple his stomach.

I was doing a consulting project last year about the healthcare system and how forms of consumer-directed plans (HSAs et al) could affect the economics of the healthcare system. The statistics I saw was that of the $1.7B in annual healthcare costs in this country, approximately 50% are weight/diet related (either direct obesity, hypertension, diabetes, other ailments which increase in likelihood as weight increases) - meaning if everyone ate right and excercised, healthcare would cost half as much.

And if drugs were legal, there would be less violent crimes from druggies because the addicts a) wouldn't have to interact with violent people to get their drugs b) the drugs would be less expensive and so they wouldn't need to steal as much to raise money c) they would be safer, thus curbing some violent reactions d) cops would become more available to actually go after actual criminals.
Galt never learned how to love, there lies the problem.
he saved your life. what greater love is there than that?
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