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Hey, I never asked for my status. Sad

Send me a sammich?
4:20 :fuggin:
4:21 the man from school I was supposed to call is in with a student....deadline is Monday....I is in troubles.
5:02 going to a friend's for Margarittas :toast:

P.S. - Happy Weekend Everyone!! :bouncer:

Edited By Hey Ladi on April 19 2002 at 5:04
6:02pm - I think this apartment building is going to blow away.....

It's storming here.......... WEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
6:57 storms pretty much blown out over here. it was a good one though :bouncer:

i think i need to get me one of these "wives" lz is talking about{:p}
5:50 - time to go home. later tards.
9:52, just had the cops here and found out I must look 12 because they asked me if my MOMMY and DADDY were home when I'm OLDER than my brother. So humiliating.
12:45...Nightie night...
4:56 - time to close the chum pool for the night.
9:47 - later tools. I'm actually expected to get work done today. The nerve of these people.
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