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ladi i can't believe you stayed up that late.
you will be Confusedleeper: on your desk today
all I wanna do, is nothing.
9:35am....three reports due today...nothing like waiting till the last minute.Confusedcare:
9:38 - 3 more interviews of people I have no intention of recommending for hire.
9:56 i'm still waiting for suggestions. anyone who has any good ideas for me, please check out my thread in the trailer park.

i think i'll go play some games on the PS2
10:04, no boss in till time! Gotta go into Brooklyn soon though to get 2,000 subway tokens...I'm gonna get a hernia.Confusedcare:
10:38am - back from playing in the park with Rupert. He is soooo not a summer boy. :disappointed:
11:04 still sitting around doing what i usually do....nothing.

i have received several good ideas in my trailer park thread. keep them coming but keep in mind that i have to keep it limited to stuff that is legal. i've never been arrested before and i'm not about to get arrested tomorrow........
11:04 and I did check out your thread, LZ, but, you've got some great suggestions and there is nothing I could add to it.
11:07 Wondering how LZ is able to make a living doing nothing while I am forced to wake up at 7AM and drive an hour to work to do, well, nothing.
Quote:i have received several good ideas in my trailer park thread. keep them coming
No you are plugging your own thread??!!! :disappointed: whore :lol: ...... 11.10
i'm just looking for more suggestions..........

kill yourself
(just a suggestion)
11:13 ummmmmm no
is it 12 yet, can I stop all this working?

You could act out Ken's murder in the front yard :poke:
11:15 see? that's why ya just gotta luv her!
11:14 Still waiting for LZ to tell me how he can do nothing all day and afford a house.
I try but she won't let me.
my wife has dual masters degrees and make 6 figures

does that answer your question keyser?

oh yeah, it's 11:18
Quote:I try but she won't let me.
Quote:Well I used to have standards
I'm hurt ...... wait maybe that was the Confusedpits: 11.19
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