Full Version: Band everyone loves that you hate?
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OAAWITE said "metal"
Quote:OAAWITE said "metal"
Who cares what that fat ugly homosexual negro has to say?
I bet BOB would say it's metal too.
1. Radiohead
2. Nirvana
3. Radiohead
.....And the one I'm gonna catch the most shit for........Pink Floyd. I've tried so hard to like this band, because I figured I must be missing something If all these other people thought they were so great. I just had to resign myself to the fact that my ears get unhappy when I hear Floyd
elvis costello is sooooo metal

Edited By HedCold on May 18 2002 at 8:32
<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>9</span>
It's interesting that so many people said Nirvana. Although I like a couple of their songs, I agree that they are way overrated. And I absolutely hate Dave Matthews. As far as Phish and Grateful Dead (and other jam bands), I never really gave them much of a listen, but I doubt i would get into that laid-back drug-induced type music.


As far as I am concerned, Marilyn Manson is quite possibly the worst artist that everyone loves in the history of music. This guy is almost talentless. The only thing he does well is shocking people.
Quote:As far as I am concerned, Marilyn Manson is quite possibly the worst artist that everyone loves in the history of music. This guy is almost talentless. The only thing he does well is shocking people.

Sorry, but you are not allowed to reply here. You voted Hootie as one of the all time greatest albums. As in ever. So, in retrospect, you have no valid reason to be judgeing any album or artist at all.

Oh, and Elvis C. is some of the best metal I have ever heard. :headbang: :headbanger: :headbang:
metallica: cool when 13, crap when older.

hole: only thing worthwhile on Courtney Love is her "hole".

Any band who's main members are over 50. Sorry, it's over. Please step off and exit. (stones, floyd, etc)

rollins band: if i yelled my personal notes through a microphone, I'd be on this list too...or just beaten, tarred and feathered.

NIN: layer keyboards, create angst, whine incessently and continue the downward spiral to suicide. His best work was Broken.

Oasis: Garbage. They aren't even good at copying the Beatles.

Bruce Springstein: Should take a trip off a cliff along with Billy Joel.
Quote:Bruce Springstein: Should take a trip off a cliff along with Billy Joel.
You wouldnt dare post that on the other board. :rofl:
Quote:Bruce Springstein
didnt he write "matzoh land" and "born to buy discount"?
Quote:You wouldnt dare post that on the other board.

Just remember to post the link to the thread here so we can read it.
shit...will have to wait. got too busy. i need to prepare some anti Bruce sigs.

please tell me that Maynard ius not requesting links to from here. That would be rather silly I think. Maybe I am wrong.
Hey motherfucker, I may love teh hardcore11!!, but billy Joel Is fuckin' awesome. Got a problem with that, sit down and wait ten minutes. After ten minutes, really reflect on how your life came to this.
so, did he edit it to say 20? i'm confused, but i'll throw my vote to metal.

also, i forgot before, staind. i know they seem to have faded a bit thank god, but when the album first came out, it seemed nobody could get enough of them. i don't get it, he has a whiney voice and all their songs sound the same.
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