Full Version: Surreal experiences - Ever have any?
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Fucking liar...
I told you it was a flashlight.
Pen light, roll of dimes. Same difference.
I fuckin knew you were gonna say that.
One day you go sayin' it's 13"...
Next day it's a penlight. Confusedneak:
Quote:One day you go sayin' it's 13"...
13" clit, pen light dick.
Who wants to talk about my dick?
:lookatme: me me me:lookatme:
Would you like to discuss length, width or hairstyle?
all of the above.
alkey is

Mt T doo
You forgot to mention the gold chains.
You have gold chains around your balls???
Quote:You have gold chains around your balls???
now i am hot!!!!!!!!
When I lay down my sac looks like the McDonald's arches.

Almost just as many served, too.
Quote:When I lay down my sac looks like the McDonald's arches
that reminds me of a picture i saw recently ::Confusedhudder:::
You mean this one Arpi?
[Image: froysnakedassisnthere.jpg]
no, i didnt see a red x .
Oh shit. Sorry. Here.

[Image: froysdickisnthere.gif]
Put some clothes on that "x," ya filthy perv!
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