Full Version: I'm the only person logged in - This is sad
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why am i not sleeping? :disappointed:
Well, you must be sleeping now, because, Seph and I are the only ones logged in.
Wooohooooo!! Seph. abandoned me. Now, I am the only one logged on!
I'm so lonely. :disappointed:
You think you can just add a few o's and then it's yours?
HoooooooooooooooooooWooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! :bouncer:
How's dat, Barchypoo? :-D
Do I need to start howling to get my point across here?
Possibly...'Cuz I seem to be missing it...:crackhead:
Go ahead, Barch...give it your best shot! :-D

Now it's you, me, and teh Sluggypoo.
This is so not fair...

Lunerpoo just doesn't sound right Confusedneak:
Quote:Lunerpoo just doesn't sound right
I like it! :thumbs-up:

Better watch your step :-D
:-o You just may be right....I shall heed your advice. :-D
i'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack
Go back to bed....go back to bed, young 'un.
helluva thread you've started here... :moonie:
woooooooooohooooooooooooo! :thumbs-up:
WeeeeeeeeeeeHeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! :bouncer: :firebounce: :bouncer: :firebounce:
knock it off...

It's mine and you all know it :angry:
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