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Quote:Oh that's right, I forgot. You want the board to remain completely anonymous. Sorry to disappoint, but there's some people here who actually like each other.
The fact that you would grant this abortion the title of "message board", at this point, is beyond me. I still come here, because I'm holding on to something that no longer exists. This has become a place for "teh kewl ppl" to bullshit with each other. I'm not saying that the sky is falling or anything like that. Just that the amount of truly personal shit that gets posted on this board is truly sad. There is nothing wrong with helping a friend out, but keep it off the board. You all talk to each other in IMs, so do it there. There's no need to advertise how someone can kiss your ass. If they are truly your friend, you won't have to ask for their help.
Quote:I still come here, because I'm holding on to something that no longer exists.
Then don't come here. Bye!
Can you NOT be an asshole for 5 fucking minutes, Kid?
This grand Illusion you have of what a message board should be DOES NOT EXIST. This Is what It Is. There Is no formula to follow to make this board "right".
Did you ever think that, just maybe, this Is exactly how everyone WANTS the board to be, and you're just a bitter baby who likes to piss on peoples corn flakes?
Leave 'em alone and let them have their fun.

Edited By Zootybang on June 04 2002 at 8:59
Quote:There is nothing wrong with helping a friend out, but keep it off the board.
And there is nothing wrong with posting your opinion, but since noone gives a shit about yours, keep it off the board.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
well... I'm not really in any position to being any assistance to really anyone on this board unless you come to Michigan. But I will offer what little technical knowledge that I have every once in a while.
You are all but pawns in my game. >)
Holy backpeddle Batman!
Look dumbass, every time shit like this gets posted, I post the same rhetoric. It's nothing new. I've been doing it for a long time. YOU either buy into it and reply, or you ignore me. The choice is yours. Every time someone gets heated because of shit I post, I WIN!!! (and VG wins by proxy). I can't spell it out any clearer. I know how my posts will be read and what the reaction will be. It just never loses its charm, because you mouth-breathers are so easily duped.
That's the exact reaction I was expecting when I posted "Holy backpeddle Batman!" I WIN!!11!
Shouldn't you be sleeping?
Quote:and VG wins by proxy


anyhoo..back on topic

i am a compulsive cleaner. and i love to clean so if anyone has a mess..i will clean it. i can also sing and reach things that are up really high.
Quote:Every time someone gets heated because of shit I post, I WIN!!! (and VG wins by proxy).
Really, I would have thought better of you. Starting all this shit just so you could say VG's name. You planned it all along. Rolleyes

Quote:Shouldn't you be sleeping?
Why do you argue all the time when you can wow us with that razor-sharp wit of yours?
Quote:i can also sing and reach things that are up really high.
Quote:...and reach things that are up really high.
Confusedmokey: well, HELLLLOOOO there! :fuggin:

Edited By Kid Afrika on June 04 2002 at 9:31
Quote:Why do you argue all the time when you can wow us with that razor-sharp wit of yours?
Oh, cutting commentary from the sleeper. NOT!!! :moonie:
I am nothing but a worthless piece of poopie...
I can help you with nothing.
see if i do anything nice for you two fools:moonie:
I am telling the truth...
Unless you want dinner...
I can't help with much. :disappointed:
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