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I was laughing because it's true. Undecided

I have something on this shelf here, but I can't reach it. Could you give me a hand?
Quote:I have something on this shelf here, but I can't reach it. Could you give me a hand?

your taller...can't you reach it?:-p
Quote:i am a compulsive cleaner. and i love to clean so if anyone has a mess..i will clean it. i can also sing and reach things that are up really high.
VG also reads the best nite-nite stories, too. ;-) :loveya:

All I can offer is sorta-semi medical or pharmaceutical advice. I AM NOT A DOCTOR, but, the doc I work for is pretty much family and I have access to all info. Also...well, obviously, health insurance advice.

Some legal advice/tips from other people in my daily life.

Only other thing would be dog behaviour counseling and puppy care.
Quote:your taller...can't you reach it?
Nope. I need YOU to get it for me. :-)
Quote:VG also reads the best nite-nite stories, too


Quote:Nope. I need YOU to get it for me

lazy ass.

Not so lazy...
Just an ass...:moonie:
Quote:lazy ass.
Yes, that's why I want you to get it for me. So I can look at that wonderful ass of yours. :loveya:
Quote:VG also reads the best nite-nite stories, too.

Quote:VG also reads the best nite-nite stories, too.
I would call them more of a nite-nite fantasy, wouldnt you? :loveya:
seemed like a good idea when i started it. oh wellUndecided
Quote:Just give me the wood and I'll build you a cabinet

if you give me wood, i'll help you breathe heavy

(quoting the beasties - always good)
I run the copy centers and central repro for Lucent in Murray Hill NJ. I can pretty much handle any of your copy/print needs.
well if you need a mortgage, i will overlook any/all credit issues to get it done...
DGW....making copies......the drunkman......makin copies......copsterama.....
I am a business genious.
I know how to use spell check ;-)
I can help people write funny posts,
that win them lots of friends.
Quote:The angry black pinhead once again posted :
I still come here, because I'm holding on to something that no longer exists.

It kinda makes you a dumbfuck then, doesn't it? you know it's not here, but yet you still look. it's like Arpi looking for his ass virginity. It's long gone but he still has hopes that it will return one day.

Quote:then the angry negro went on to post:

that the amount of truly personal shit that gets posted on this board is truly sad. There is nothing wrong with helping a friend out, but keep it off the board.

Lets see....if memory serves me correctly, this is where he pisses off a few people, gets angry, backpeddles, then leaves , only to come back in a week or so to lurk and then start the cycle all over again.

BTW Kid, this "i pissed you off, I made you post, i win" game is getting about as old as my Ken's sister and arpi's a buttpirate jokes. Got anything new? this is kinda getting lame.
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