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Mad paper cuts.
pussy! iddy biddy buddy get a big bahhddd boo booo on his widdel finga?
suck it up deek!
I am a slob so my house needs constant cleaning...

I went to art school, i can paint teh pretty pictures!!!

I get paid to copy CDs all day (files not music you tools... though i CAN copy music too....bootlegs anyone?? heh heh) The "Making Copies" guy of the 21st Century!!

My mom would really like to see the Producers.....
Guess I forgot my sarcasm tags, sorry Grump. Don't you have a coulmn to write?
hmmm...can you barter church pissing?
I'm usually willing to share the kind :fuggin:
Quote:I went to art school, i can paint teh pretty pictures!!!
I am envious. After attending a semester of oil/acrylic painting I could truely understand why some photographers and fine artists never went to color. :crackhead:
Quote:I'm usually willing to share the kind
Thanks Spit...
I guess that would be my service also, I can follow it up with gourmet munchies...Confusedmokey:
Quote:I can follow it up with gourmet munchies...
Mmmmm.....moon pies....
Quote:Lets see....if memory serves me correctly, this is where he pisses off a few people, gets angry, backpeddles, then leaves , only to come back in a week or so to lurk and then start the cycle all over again.
First of all, it's "backPEDAL". Secondly, I know it's getting old, that was the joke here. How is it backpedallling when I readily admitted that I was only fucking around? Why am I asking this?

I hate threads like this, and I say dumb shit about them. Again, this is nothing new. But, I feel better for doing so, because I didn't sit by idle as it went on. I know it will never change, and my efforts are fruitless. But, sometimes the fun is in the fight, not in the victory.
It always makes me chuckle...
"Cringe" posting...:lol:
interesting........ makes me want to poke myself in the eye, for bothering to read the same post, again
I can offer the following services...

fairly decent graphic designer
my band will play your parties or events
video editing
web developer
cunning linguist/whore
I have no skills or talents of which can be offered for any services whatsoever.
awww, come on, you can sit on the couch & be their personal tv guide channel :thumbs-up:
Ohhh ohhh, Ikea, my remote broke last night, can you come over and change the channels for me??
say ikea i cant get access to the tv, newspapers, internet, or radio. could you cut and paste the headlines for me?
Jack of all trades. Master of none. :thumbs-up:
i can "forget" to charge you for your drinks :thumbs-up:
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