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Lets read Bukowski together.
Quote:I think you should re-read Paper's post. He forgot the sarcasm tags.

sorry to confuse. i wasn't being sarcastic. i think it's a good idea.
i'd go for it, but maybe one book a month so us busy idiots would have time to read it, and i'll have drinks whether it's discussed by thread or in person :thumbs-up:
i would be interested in long as i had the time to read (like crx i am quite busy) for the a thread during the day is best for me...
I agree with the one book a month idea. I only have time to read on my daily commute, so it takes me at least two weeks to read the average paperback. Plus, I wouldn't want EVERY book I read for a while to be picked by someone else.

I figure if we got together in person, we'd probably talk about the book for a half hour and quickly end up talking about everything BUT the book for the rest of the night. In a thread, it would be entirely about that book and the discussion could last until it's time to discuss the next book.

My idea right now:
Everybody has until next Friday to decide if they want to participate for the first book.

Then, the following week, we'll decide what book to read. Everyone who signs up will get to nominate a book before lunch time on Wendsday. Preferably with a link to a description on Amazon or something like that. Then, by Friday, everyone will vote and we'll decide on the book.

That will bring us to July 1st. Everybody will have 4 weeks to read the book.
July 30th will begin the discussion of the book.
great idea mr dent sir, count me in
i am in
should we be looking for something more recent or like something really classic and one of the definitive works of literature ever? Just looking for preferences.
Quote:should we be looking for something more recent or like something really classic and one of the definitive works of literature ever? Just looking for preferences.

Well, the general idea is to get people to read stuff they don't normally read. So, recommend something that catches your interests or something you've read already that you want to share with everyone else. Could be a classic or could be a new release. Could be really deep and meaningful or could be pure escapist entertainment.

I'll collect all the recommendations and make a list and let everyone vote for which book they want to read. Think we'll make a rule you can't vote for the book you nominated and everyone who signs up will only get to nominate 1 book. We'll worry about the voting on the week of the 25th.

Everyone has until the 21st to decide if they want to participate.
Here's a question.. what about series?
I know for damn certain that the first book I would recommend has probably been read by Dent and a few others, but for those who don't read Fantasy it might be something to try.. unfortunately, it COULD wind up forcing them to read about 11 more books if they like it since it's the first in a BIG series.. so my question is... do we recommend seroies openers in the hopes of hooking people, or do we recommend the WHOLE series so everyone knows what they're getting in to?
Oh... BTW... I'm kinda interested lol
I would recommend against a series. Recommending something like "Wheel of Time" or David Eddings would probably wouldn't get voted for. Just too big a commitment. If you want to intro people to fantasy I would say something like "Sword of Shannhara" which is the first in a series, but is a complete stand-alone story by itself would be good.

But, you can recommend ANYTHING you want. Everyone will vote, so majority rules.

List of people definitely signed up so far: (This post will be updated as people sign-up)

Arthur Dent



Edit - If you don't sign up by Friday, that means you don't get to nominate a book and don't get to vote on which book to read. However, you can still read the book chosen and join the discussion later.

Edited By Arthur Dent on June 20 2002 at 09:16
Jeez dent.. it's "Intro" people to Fantasy.. not toss them into the Deep end lol.. at least Edding's READS like a modern book... Shanara comes across more like "War and Peace.. and a sword and a druid" WAAAY to wordy to hook somebody who isn't big on fantasy.
And yes, Dent knew EXACTLY what I was talking about... my personal opinion is that after Tolkien, Edding's wrote the greatest Fantasy story ever.
Quote:Recommending something like "Wheel of Time"
why would you not recomend WOT?whats wrong with a 9+ book series, with the paperbacks close to 900 pages and takes over 2 months to read in its entierty?

btw, i might read the books and discuss, but dont count on me as a definite
Ladies and Gentleman, this is the time to make your recommendations for what book to read.
You have until Midnight on Wendsday to recommend a book and convince us that it is the book we should read. I recommend including a description from or something like that.
On Thursday, we will begin voting on the book. The winner will be announced on Monday and we will have until July 30th to read the selected book.

One recommendation per person only. I'll try to come up with my selection later.
The Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey.
Amazon Desription for Satanic Bible

AM, does this mean you want to join the list of participants?
hell, I'll join I guess but the Satanic Bible is only decent halfway thru(from what I heard). The second part is just him babblign on and on about Satanic rituals.

I suggest a classic, The Divine Comedy by Dante.
sorry, I've been busy...but I'm in!

Once you get to all the rituals, the Satanic Bible kinda loses me...we could also read Satan Speaks by Lavey

I'll nominate:
On the Road by Jack Kerouac
Imajica by Clive Barker
or anything by Tom Robbins, just to get you guys to check out his stuff...Skinny Legs and All is pretty relevant given the current world situation right now.

but I'll read just about anything...
Right now, I'm thinking of Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card.

It's one of my all time favorite sci-fi novels. Very cool story about a genius kid sent to a military academy on a space station and everything that happens to him. This is one I wouldn't mind re-reading again.
I'm in even if I can't make nominations this time around.
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