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Quote:you attacked my choice
it wasnt meant as an attack. i just really thought everybody read it in high school.relax
Nope. I read it after HS. Actually I only read it 2 years ago.

And why is someone stupid because they don't read all the things you do? I don't read many books, yet I'm far from stupid. (go ahead with your oh so witty remark that I just know will follow) There's certain stuff I read, but I tend to get bored too quickly and have to read 3 other books at once.
Quote:And why is someone stupid because they don't read all the things you do?
i never said that, nor do i believe it
Quote:what the fuck planet are you from? this was a best seller. not very elitist. still better than the high school shit you want to read. Just because you read at a tenth grade level doesnt make me elitist. it makes you stupid.

Umm.. sure looks like you said it to me.
Ok good point Magus maybe the Divine Comedy isn't the best of choices.

I think we should have an initial discussion of books to choose. Then after that each member says what theyir nomination is.
Quote:I think we should have an initial discussion of books to choose. Then after that each member says what theyir nomination is.

I don't want ANY limitation on what book people nominate. I recommended against the first book in a series because I don't think people will vote for it. But, if you think you can convince enough people to vote for it, then go for it.

There is no limitation to genre, length, style, NOTHING.

I will go through this thread Wendsday night and compile a list of all the recommendations with the names of who recommended them. Thursday everybody can argue over their choices and by the end of the day Friday, I will compile the votes and announce the winner by Monday (earlier if possible).
I vote for The Holy Bible!
How about Das Kapital.
I don't have a book to nominate but I think next month we should just e mail Dent our selections and let him post them anonymously.
The amber spyglass-by phillip pullman. a pseudo childrens book with metaphysical undertones
Beyond Good and Evil

Read it and read it again. Only then will you truly be alive.
Thus Spoke Zarathusra by Friedrich Nietschze is my nomination.
I would just love to join this little cluster fuck but alas, I have my summer book reading all mapped out for me. Fuckin New Jedi Order is fuckin long.
Ladies and gentlemen, SeanC0ld...

the world's only long-haired book readin' tight jean wearin' pierced eyebrow havin' overgrown albino wookie lookin' computer geek from the bronx.
On the Road by Kerouac - Spitfire
Running with the Demon by Terry Brooks - Lord Magus
Lincoln: A Novel by Gore Vidal - Arpi
Amber Spyglass is book 3 of a trilogy. Here's the compilation of all 3 - Arpi
The Plague by Camus - Maynard
Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - Diceisgod
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card - Arthur Dent
Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet - Buttmunch

That's the nominees as of now. Discuss, debate, then in BOLD all caps, cast your vote.

Edit - Not sure which one Arpi is nominating, that's why both are listed.
Poly didn't get back with which ONE she wanted to nominate.
Maynard, the Bible is an anthology of short stories. Not sure it really fits.

Edit 2 - The Sexual Life of Catherine M. by by Catherine Millet, Adriana Hunter (Translator) - Polly
The Toy Collector by Gunn - Ikea (could have sworn I included this one.)
Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, - Adolescent Masturbator (That makes two by Nietzsche to choose from.)

Edited By Arthur Dent on July 01 2002 at 1:58
Hey, I've been pretty busy lately, but I'd still like to participate in this little venture.

I know I may be late for a nomination, and people may have already read this book, but let me just throw out Ken Follett's Pillars of the Earth.

<span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'>From Publisher's Weekly - Publishers Weekly
With this book, Follett risks all and comes out a clear winner, escaping the narrow genre of suspense thrillers to take credit for a historical novel of gripping readability, authentic atmosphere and detail and memorable characterization.</span>

It's a good read, but long.

Anywho, I'll be interested to see what the final choice for the first book is.

Arpi, nice to see that you still have that je ne se pas.
pillars of the earth is an awesome book. i have read it over 10 tems.
I'm putting my vote in for Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet.

Took the day off work, so I probably won't be around tomorrow. Try to vote before Monday.
my vote is for the golden compass-the first book by philipp pullman
well, maybe i'm a freak, but i've never read on the road. also, since i was away, i guess it's too late to make my nomination this time, but it would've been still life with a woodpecker by tom robbins because it's one that i haven't read yet and i hear it's very good.
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