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I'd like to do a round one.
Alright, we've got a tie in the poll between Pillars of Earth and On the Road.

Anybody got any thoughts on how to do a tie breaker without starting ANOTHER poll?
We could take turns having one person be the deciding could do it this time since this was your idea.
There is obviously interest in both books so flip a coin. Then we'll have two books to read and the order in which to read them.

Either that or ask an impartial third party to decide.
i dont know why you all want to read Enders Game. he is a smart kid who goes to war college and practices killing the enemy in a war simulator. you find out in the end that it wasnt a simulation and that he was really wiping out a civilization though he didnt know it. the end. boring
Arpi, I disliked you before. Now I truelly hate you. That is the biggest dick move I've seen you pull since coming here.
Oh yeah Arpi, another thing you missed while you were away, we made Arthur a mod.
Quote:Arpi's Enders Game Spoiler
Now I'll never vote for any of your damned books.
i saved you all from a crappy and juvenile book. you should be thanking me.
Sometimes we, as humans, need to experience things ourselves in order to learn.
this coming from an asocial slug who hides from the sun:rofl:
I hearby officially nominate Arpi for the age old torture known as ostracizing. In other words, everybody agrees to never again read or respond to a single thing he posts anywhere on the board. Let him say whatever he wants because nobody is reading it.

All in favor say "Aye".
skitch, have we ever interacted on the board? i dont think so. here let's begin, go fuck yourself!:rofl:
why thank you arpi for noticing me...however, you will soon tire of me and not even realize that i am me on this one...

oh, and please use a barbed wire baseball bat when you give yourself your enema this evening
Quote:however, you will soon tire of me and not even realize that i am here
i hope not. i have had a taste and i like it :loveya:
stop it arpi, you are making me blush!
::Confusedmooch::: come here big boy and do it the way that daddy likes it
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