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Got a little Springsteen coming up for you in a sec. :moonie:
spinal meningitis...nice!i've scared the living shit out of people with this song
BRUCE?????? :crackhead:
Buncha heavy stoner rock now. So you guys could place some of the band names with a sound.
Quote:Buncha heavy stoner rock now. So you guys could place some of the band names with a sound.

:bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:

Thank you o-great DJ de cdih....

<marquee>:moonie: :moonie: </marquee>

Anything you wanna hear?

Got a bunch of heavy stuff comin up next....
Some Helmet, GnR, Manson...
OK, I've had a bunch of beer, and this song is just making me laugh too much. :rofl:

Quote:OK, I've had a bunch of beer

Me too....:toast:

Quote:Anything you wanna hear?

I'm always reading bands/albums you guys are buying/seeing that I've never heard of.... I'm up for any kind of music tonight...

I'm trying to make the sound quality a little better. Anyone thats logged in, could you IM me?
i'll be willing to dj too (to the dismay of some, hehe :bouncerSmile but with the way its been working for me it might not work, but i'll try
awwwwwwwww, it's maymay and arpi's song :loveya:
:-) :fucking:
howdy, faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahgit!
are you fucking with the volume or are my speakers fucked up?
No, some of the stuff (especially old punk) was recorded really shitty. It's not your speakers.
ok, fuckit, i'm dl winamp, you'll defend me if he wants to kick my ass for it right?
YEah, Winamp won't hurt you.
I've never had any problems with winamp, I think its great
ah, much better haven't heard this song in ages :thumbs-up:
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