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if only for the emoness :bow:
If you aren't crying within 20 minutes of listening to my show, then find something else to listen to.
i was crying within 5 min. i think it was the anal cunt that did it.
:bouncer: :bouncer: I think I did it? How do you find the server address???

You guys want to listen to my stuff?

Can someone please check this IP address to see if it's working:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

Edited By Spitfire on June 18 2002 at 11:21
This is more fun than work...WEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeee!
shes the DJ, i'm the rapper.
hook it up sista..u know whut I like ;-)
a swift kick to the head?
Quote:a swift kick to the head?
or I foot up the ass..either or is ok
Quote:or I foot up the ass..either or is ok

Anyone listening Undecided
me me me me me
cool beans :thumbs-up:
Quick question: Since Spitfire is up and running...

Is the newest version of Winamp worth it, or is it friggen bloated with unneccesary features/adware/spyware? I have the older Winamp executable on my other computer, and if neccessary, I will copy it over to this computer. I just don't want to have to deal with bullshit ads and spy crap and useless features. I like my utilities to be no frills. I think I have version 2.64 or something like that.
I'm pretty sure any version of winamp doesn't have any of that stuff. But how about you stop being such a lazy prick and look it up yourself?
Because it is easier to ask if the shit already shows up on your versions than to read pages and pages of their user agreement, fuckball.
No, no spyware or shareware shit. It's clean.
Quote:Because it is easier to ask if the shit already shows up on your versions than to read pages and pages of their user agreement
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