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I hate fucking spammers.
TURN IT OFF....TURN IT OFF...DEAR SWEET JESUS THIS SONG IS TOO LONG. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 10 minutes and counting...ahhhhhhhhhhh now they are just going on and on and on. please tell me that not every QOTSA song is like this. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Now Playing, By Request Hybrid : Finch - Perfection Through Silence
This thread stinks. Everytime I click on it I don't hear a fucking thing. What a rip off.
You're much nicer than those SU assholes.
you mean the AV club?
I will be setting up a server for tonight. As soon as I fix a few kinks I will post it.
Taking down my stream to capture some video from Friday's show. Anyone who wants to take over, post here.
Keyser's goin down...

I'm up though. :-D
is it really that hard to change it from just posting your numbers to posting a link?i dont want to have to copy and paste me, damnit
Maynards Musical Monstrocity

Edited By Keyser Soze on June 16 2002 at 3:30
Straight outta compton....a mother fucker named mad mike...
I'm behind a NAT connection which doesn't allow other's to pick up my server, so unless someone can tell me how to get around this, I guess I'm screwed. I know, boo hoo.
Playing some of the new DJ Shadow now.
I was gonna play some Matthew Ryan for SLASH in a bit, but he doesn't seem interested.
Quote:I was gonna play some Matthew Ryan for SLASH in a bit, but he doesn't seem interested.

I haven't followed this thread because I currently don't have a player to participate with.
Play it anyway, I'm probably the only one listening and I like Matthew Ryan
Just like your aim....
Oh sure. I play Matthew Ryan for you and you're not listening. DICK!
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