Full Version: Sean's next psycho girlfriend?
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How about the "You have to shut down that stupid message board because you don't spend enough time with me" bitch?
Quote:Were they just put upon pedistals and worshipped by a couple of posters?

If we still gave out cookies, this one gets a whole bag. For further proof see Big Arms, Joey and Low Life Spic, Tequilla for examples of people who will pay money to be a mod. It is rather sad, it was fun at first, I never had to buy beer when i went out.
Tequilla's a mod over there now? :rofl: :rofl:
Quote:Tequilla's a mod over there now?

Actually, no, Froy doesn't except food stamps. Not for a lack of trying though.
So Sean, share with us.....
Does maymay say anything cute, when you use what passes for his chest as target practice?
Will me buying a blockbuster gift card for a prize get me back in your good graces Sean?
Quote:Will me buying a blockbuster gift card for a prize get me back in your good graces Sean?

Thats news to me. I didn't know I had good graces.

Let's get back to finding me a woman with as much emotional baggage as possible, shall we?
Quote:Let's get back to finding me a woman with as much emotional baggage as possible, shall we?
Maymay with a wig and breast implants is tough to beat.
Quote:Maymay with a wig and breast implants is tough to beat.

Not as tough as you being able to muster up more than five votes, fosil.

Why is this place getting all kinds of homoerotic again?

Fuck, we need more chicks and soon.

Keyser, got any chicks that think you are groovey that may want to throw us a bone by posting a few times?
Quote:Maymay with a wig and breast implants is tough to beat.
This coming from a guy who used to spank it to black & white swimsuit ads.

Quote:Keyser, got any chicks that think you are groovey that may want to throw us a bone by posting a few times?
Probably, but I think they're all 15.

Maybe you could date one of alkey's throwaways. They're pretty psychotic. They'll follow you around after you've broken up and ruin any future relationships you have with any other women. :thumbs-up:
Quote:Keyser, got any chicks that think you are groovey that may want to throw us a bone by posting a few times?

But, would they throw their panties at the monitor when you make a great post? I think not.
Quote:Maybe you could date one of alkey's throwaways. They're pretty psychotic. They'll follow you around after you've broken up and ruin any future relationships you have with any other women.

Nah, I like leaving my seconds for people to pick at. Ask GS, he knows.
Quote:Nah, I like leaving my seconds for people to pick at. Ask GS, he knows.
So you guys share diseases?
Quote:So you guys share diseases?

No, sock boy, that was after me, thank christ. if she would had given me something, she wouldn't live to spread it.
I pick up board women by telling them I am slash......
Quote:I pick up board women by telling them I am slash......
So you're a snowman??
What i actually ponder is are my girl friends Psychotic or do i drive them to that point?

I can't seem to figure that one out.
I think you have me mistakened.

Gonzo is the pimp.
Quote:What i actually ponder is are my girl friends Psychotic or do i drive them to that point?
probably a little of both
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