Full Version: Sean's next psycho girlfriend?
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hey Sean, now that we know a little more about your tastes.....
will she do???
[Image: Tuppity.jpg]
Mom? :-o

The joke.

It flatlined yesterday.

You LZed it.
Mmmm...she must taste nice after mowing the yard on a hot humid day:-D
I think Sean is a little pissy cause she has more of a bulge in her boxers than he did.
Quote:I think Sean is a little pissy cause she has more of a bulge in her boxers than he did.
damn! maynerd was right! ken is funny now!!:rofl:
No, I am pissy because you no longer look up to me, I am crushed.

No, really, I am.
Sean look, she has an affinity for tight jeans too.
[Image: bluejeans1.JPG]
Ken, don't you know that disgusting pictures are only allowed to be posted in the short bus.
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