Full Version: Sean's next psycho girlfriend?
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I don't think a girl HAS to be psycho to date Sean,
but it probably helps....

And Sean, when you are done with this psychotic chick who finds me funny, send her my way.
Only Ken would beg for sloppy seconds. Pathetic. :disappointed:
OAS could you find someone else to post stalk???
Quote:What i actually ponder is are my girl friends Psychotic or do i drive them to that point?

Well, didn't one call herself Pycho BEFORE you two fell in love?
Quote:Well, didn't one call herself Pycho BEFORE you two fell in love?

I have better taste than that, I think. I have something against teeth that are bigger than my shoe.
Sean is such a sweet talker,
it's easy to see why he's such a lady killer.'s that head of hair of his and his lushious tight jeans. :-D
spelling fairy!!!
Listen, Pen...there is only enough room around here for one Cap'n Typo....besides, who will PM me to death if you take on the job?
Hey Sean, can you post the name of the next girl you're gonna hang out with? That way maybe I can hang out with her, and not have you there. Wink
Quote:i believe you're missing the all of the above option... Rolleyes
exactly what i was thinking...
Quote:Let's get back to finding me a woman with as much emotional baggage as possible, shall we?

As soon as I find one, I will bring her to the bathroom, ya big stud! :loveya: :bouncer: :bouncer: :firebounce: :firebounce: :rofl:
Quote:As soon as I find one, I will bring her to the bathroom, ya big stud!

Actually, that takes all the fun out of it. I rather wait until you buy me a few drinks, then, when your not looking, go to the bathroom.
Quote:Actually, that takes all the fun out of it. I rather wait until you buy me a few drinks, then, when your not looking, go to the bathroom.
as long as i can leave before the cops show up :lol:
Is it any wonder why I no ,onger do parties?

It never fails, get me drunk enough and the coppers aren't far behind.
Quote:as long as i can leave before the cops show up

Yeah but we won't have Dan from Gayboken to break up the ruckus.
There has to be a woman out there that could put up with your shit ;-)
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