Full Version: How did you "lose" it?
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I was raised like a veal calf..... Parents kept waaaay too tight reigns on me. I was a couple steps better than being home school and raised in a bubble. So sexually speaking I was a rather late bloomer. Very nervous around the womens.

In college we had a "screw your roomate" party in which we responsible to get a blind date for your roomate. As the party was winding down we were leaving to hit the frats....

My "date" made a rather forcefull statement that she planned to take the party literally.

I was very happy.

anyone else care to share?
I was 14, she was 16 - the nest-door-neighbor's kid. We used to hang together often. One night, she just brought up the idea that she'd like to try it, and I wasn't about to argue (I kinda had a major crush on her) so we did it in my mom's (then) unfinished basement, on two quilts thrown onto the cold, concrete floor.

We then dated, but eventually went our separate ways. I still keep in touch with her, and that cold concrete floor almost always comes up in conversation.
Quote:I was raised like a veal calf.....
I had no friends growing up

Quote:Parents kept waaaay too tight reigns on me. I was a couple steps better than being home school and raised in a bubble.
Thank God Mumsy and Daddy were there to comfort me as I cried myself to sleep every night

Quote:So sexually speaking I was a rather late bloomer. Very nervous around the womens.
I was 'that scary guy' in high school who stalked girls but never talked to them and took showers in gym with my underwear on

Quote:In college we had a "screw your roomate" party in which we responsible to get a blind date for your roomate. As the party was winding down we were leaving to hit the frats....

My "date" made a rather forcefull statement that she planned to take the party literally.
My roommates got me a whore

Quote:I was very happy.
I haven't been laid since. That was 17 years ago.
I was attacked by a young girl in one of those closets they used to have in the classrooms when we were little to put our jackets and bookbags in during recess while everyone was on the playground.
So all of these girls seem to have made the first move.... has this affected anyone's preferences for agressive women? For or against?
Galt, If I owned Crypty he would have a sad face again.
I don't have a preference, I like both types equally.
I never minded "making the move", but I admit I find an aggresive woman more appealing than a passive woman. In fact, I married the most aggressive woman I ever met :-D
I definitely like an agressive woman,
I never developed a strong rap, or opening line,
my success rate was always highest when I met a woman in a smaller party type setting,
my humor and good looks would win them over....

but I was still shy enough that I needed them to make a fairly overt expression of interest.
The town slut let me throw her a bone when I was 18.
Quote:The town slut let me throw her a bone when I was 18.

how many oa.commers have a shelle bink story like that.
Does it count if she was dead at the time?
Quote:I still keep in touch with her, and that cold concrete floor almost always comes up in conversation.
That the same basement floor I see in your sig pic?

I don't have a losing it story... but so far I share the story with Ken and Galt. I wonder if theres a connection between our upbringing and our attraction to message boards :clueless: :Confusedhrug:: Oh well, college, here I come. :-)
the story Galt told was his "translation" of my tale and not an actual admission on his part.
Oops! Imagine my chaigrin! I thought he was going along and saying how he had it worse than you each step of the way. I'm a dick. Undecided
girl who lived nextdoor in 10th grade. i once fingered her under the kitchen table as her parents were milling about in the diningroom. Ahh, those were the days.
I have never seen a thread that explains loser more than thisa one. :rofl:
Bless you OAS,

Sorry Gooch forgot the promise I made myself.

Edited By Ken'sPen on Aug. 14 2002 at 12:11
i'm really getting tired of the torches that are kept alit from thread to thread. the Ken joke was said earlier and better by Galt, had you bothered to read before.
I agree Gooch, Galt's was brilliant.
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