Full Version: What can't you do/have never done... - That you think everybody else can/has?
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I can't swim and I've never been on a plain.

I've never been out of this country.

Those are the main ones.

I'll think of some more later.
I saw that coming a mile away.
Quote:I saw that coming a mile away.

How can you if you've never been on a plain?
I wish I learned how to play the fucking drums..... I play guitar pretty well, but I never learned how to play the drums.
i've never skydived

i can't post on anymore unless its an assumed name.
Quote:i can't post on anymore unless its an assumed name.

Spoken on behalf of!
Just use meekrob, everyone else did. Till some dick got the name banned, no it wasn't me.

I've never been on a plane, or past new jersey.

I've never had sex with a member of the opposite sex.

I've never had a big cock.
I can help you with two of those.
i've never been to a message board event of any kind
I've never enjoyed your singing.
Quote:I've never been on a plane, or past new jersey.
that's it, i'm kidnapping you two next time i go to england, you need to get out more :-p

i've never been in a movie, i've never gone farther west than new orleans, or farther east than germany...
which two are you gonna help me with my dearest alkey?
Quote:I've never been on a plain
And you never learned how to spell it either.

I can't whistle. I can't blow bubbles. I can't shuffle a deck of cards. I can't do anything. I'm fucking useless.
But you sure can buttfuck Alkey!!!!

That was refreshing.
Danked, you must be referring to OA Ants in My Pants. I'm a different animal.
Don't burst my bubble.
I can't ride a bike.

I've never been out of the U.S. except for Canada.
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