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Quote:When he first joined WierdNJ thought I was a chick and sent me some odd shit.
I did what now? :fuckoff: FU Ken!
If you were Danked that would be the edit of the day.

Edited By Ken'sPen on Aug. 20 2002 at 10:53

Did that chick kill herself or not?
Ask that chick. I'm sure he's here somewhere.
Suicide is funnier... :thumbs-up:
Polly that is just crazy talk,
how can something that is not a post of the day,
be funnier than something that is a post of the day
sheesh. Rolleyes
Hey ken I bet you really were looking forward all day to waiting while I was offline to fuck with me somehow.

I wasn't the one who pinned my topics in every forum while I was a mod, I was talking to a few people and they found it funny.

I am sorry it wasn't the comedie genius of what is your favorite jello flavor.
Quote:I am sorry it wasn't the comedie genius of what is your favorite jello flavor.

Glad you liked that one,
Luna and I were trying to outdo each other with "What is your favorite _" threads, amazing how popular that dreck was.
So...which guy from was this?
Ken just cause you couldn't hack being a fuckin mod, don't bitch about it. You went on a hissy fit when someone moved your post and instead of acting like a man you run off an start "arpi is a dick" in every fuckin forum. Then defile threads with your fuckin bullshit with him.

How many fuckin hours did I spend with you trying to help you out? Explain things to you? When every mod and member wanted you demoded I was the ONLY person who stood up for you and I was the only reason you stayed a mod. Don't make it look like I am some fuckin Asshole cause I pinned ONE fuckin topic in my whole tenure as mod in the pit. I found it funny along with several other people and I try to bring enjoyment to the members of the board. Not to ask them what their fuckin favorite pizza toppings are. I'm sorry I don't start threads that revolve around myself to answer questions about myself. Trust me one thing you do not wanna cross me, you don't wanna start a pissing contest with me. I don't fuckin like you, many others don't either.

You wanna know why? sure thing.

Cause I was joking with you yesterday but I forget how fuckin thin skinned you are, you can't differ from E-life and Real life. You get defensive and you start PM;ing people like a bitch instead of just going with the flow. You seem to have no problem bringing up peoples off-board lives i.e seans sex life. Yet I make ONE VEILED reference and you got off on a tantrum. Then act like nothing happened when I call you out on it. Yet I got atleast 3 IM's from mods and members saying you were losing it cause you were upset. Honestly I believe them too cause I know how fuckin dramatic you can be. You are an annoyance who was a much funnier poster before anyone talked to you. You turned out to be a horrible mod who hurt this board in the long run by chasing away quite a few members with your idiocy.

I am trying along with the others to revive a board that is lagging a bit, so fuckin excuse me for starting a thread I deemed entertaining. Yeah I am the jackass mod, that's why I spend so much effort, worrying, time and my own money for this place. Sean asked me one time, why we bother at times. I sa'd "Cause these people trusted us and we owe them for it, cause they left They believed in us, for that we owe them." It's times like this I wonder why the fuck we do bother just to have shit heels like you, defile it cause of your own personal vendettas. Fine how about I don't post anymore and just help run the site, I am gonna love to see the influx of genius you produce.

In essence if you didn't get it yet, don't call, im, or pm. I DON'T LIKE YOU.
Quote:You are an annoyance who was a much funnier poster before anyone talked to you
I laughed at that.

Yet you all wonder why you can't get any patch

Edited By DGW on Aug. 20 2002 at 2:26
The sad thing is Ken is actually not bad when he steps outside the "character" of Ken....sometimes he annoys the piss out of me, but sometimes he shows who he really is and he's nice....he should let the real him out more often.
Quote:he's nice....
Kiss of death!!!!
uhhhhhhhhhh WOW,
I don't know what to say lover,
I was operating at a 50/50 level that you were kidding yesterday,
but talk about thin skinned,
there was no place to take this thread but to defile it,
what else was there to say.......

people fucking tool on me all the time,
have since I joined
I try to take it with a smile,
you might try the same.

and soooo much of what you wrote above is "spin" to work the crowd, you know it and I know it.
There was no place to take it but to defile it? That's the greatest fucking excuse I ever head.

Sadly I do agree with poly, why don't you try being yourself for a change. It worked for you once, then try not taking everything said on a message board to be some "serious threat" against your life. In the end it is just a message board, no more no less.
Bye bye Ken. Gonzo tried to draw you a picture and you ignored it. You are about to be an island of one.
Quote:Ken just cause you couldn't hack being a fuckin mod, don't bitch about it. You went on a hissy fit when someone moved your post and instead of acting like a man you run off an start "arpi is a dick" in every fuckin forum. Then defile threads with your fuckin bullshit with him.

How many fuckin hours did I spend with you trying to help you out? Explain things to you? When every mod and member wanted you demoded I was the ONLY person who stood up for you and I was the only reason you stayed a mod. Don't make it look like I am some fuckin Asshole cause I pinned ONE fuckin topic in my whole tenure as mod in the pit. I found it funny along with several other people and I try to bring enjoyment to the members of the board. Not to ask them what their fuckin favorite pizza toppings are. I'm sorry I don't start threads that revolve around myself to answer questions about myself. Trust me one thing you do not wanna cross me, you don't wanna start a pissing contest with me. I don't fuckin like you, many others don't either.

You wanna know why? sure thing.

Cause I was joking with you yesterday but I forget how fuckin thin skinned you are, you can't differ from E-life and Real life. You get defensive and you start PM;ing people like a bitch instead of just going with the flow. You seem to have no problem bringing up peoples off-board lives i.e seans sex life. Yet I make ONE VEILED reference and you got off on a tantrum. Then act like nothing happened when I call you out on it. Yet I got atleast 3 IM's from mods and members saying you were losing it cause you were upset. Honestly I believe them too cause I know how fuckin dramatic you can be. You are an annoyance who was a much funnier poster before anyone talked to you. You turned out to be a horrible mod who hurt this board in the long run by chasing away quite a few members with your idiocy.

I am trying along with the others to revive a board that is lagging a bit, so fuckin excuse me for starting a thread I deemed entertaining. Yeah I am the jackass mod, that's why I spend so much effort, worrying, time and my own money for this place. Sean asked me one time, why we bother at times. I sa'd "Cause these people trusted us and we owe them for it, cause they left They believed in us, for that we owe them." It's times like this I wonder why the fuck we do bother just to have shit heels like you, defile it cause of your own personal vendettas. Fine how about I don't post anymore and just help run the site, I am gonna love to see the influx of genius you produce.

In essence if you didn't get it yet, don't call, im, or pm. I DON'T LIKE YOU.

it can't be that serious, gs didn't call him by his real name
Quote:people fucking tool on me all the time,
have since I joined
Yup, me too. But I suck it up and dish it back out. It's called not taking everything so serious. Just like he said.

Gonzo, that was some funny fucking shit. I actually got scared for a second, because you KNOW this guy was whackin his bag thinkin about you. And that alone scares the shit out of me.
Quote:Sadly I do agree with poly, why don't you try being yourself for a change. It worked for you once, then

but....but....but.....this is me.
and holy one eighties batman,
what the fuck happened in the week to 10 days since I last spoke to you,
I think I have been playing pretty nicey nice with my head down, not starting many threads, not doing anything,
when did I shit in your cornflakes?
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