Full Version: No wonder guys can't get laid.... - CDIH Post Of The Day.
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Quote:Interesting.... DGW doesn't like any post, yet he is drawn to the ones pertaining to sex, especially when ladi has replied in it
Ladi and I don't have sex
Just because i shit on her doesn't make us lovers
How can you be sure she doesn't see it that way DGW?
Quote:Ladi and I don't have sex

Sounds like you two are married to me.
awww, Gonzo, don't be jealous, you're the only one for me :poke:
Hey Ladi does this mean we don't get to bitch fight like they were hoping? :-p
you skank! ::grabs for hair::
::throws polly in the mud pit::
This thread did have the funniest line in it: "buck up little trooper"

Are there people who actually say that? :-)
::reaches out from mud pit:: ::grabs ladi by hair:: ::pulls ladi into mud pit shoves mud in her mouth::
<!--me&Ken'sPen--><span id='ME'><center>Ken'sPen says always bet on the white trash in a chick fight</center></span><!--e-me-->

which one is that?
:Confusedpits mud at Ken::

now what?...... mud pies? :loveya:
Quote::Confusedpits mud at Ken::

hmmmmm Ladi never spits???
Forget the mud pies....lets take a shower! :bouncer:
I don't know if you'll like the type of shower Ladi has in mind.
::puts soap on the scrubby:: :moonie:

shhh GW, it's special when you pee on me after a good night of drinking

Edited By Hey Ladi on Aug. 21 2002 at 10:00
::washes ladi's hair::
<!--me&Ken'sPen--><span id='ME'><center>Ken'sPen thought Ladi had a wood floor</center></span><!--e-me-->
Quote:Ken'sPen thought Ladi had a wood floor
::hands Polly a razor::
In a minute I will ;-)
::puts down razor:: ::takes out weed whackers:: bzzzzzzzzzzzzz

::all clean!::
G.L.O.W. this ain't!!!1
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