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There was so many directions to take this thread into, if you'd try to use your brain for once. I know it's hard having to think of a reply that is not the generic brand. I found it very funny and I figured so would you, I guess I was wrong. Like I said, it's a thankless position. I'm just gonna take some time off from posting, ken can start all the fruitful threads he wants now, and he can do his donotkidme posts asking if you will defile it or not... pot, kettle... nevermind.
changed my mind.

Edited By Arpikarhu on Aug. 20 2002 at 2:47
Come back.... :-(

I was just :poke: fun.
OAS I know you hate him, but I am not banning or throwing him in the cell. That doesn't help matters, plus unlike he may think I don't use any position I have in that sense. I have never thrown anyone in the hole unless it was a joke and they were in on it, basically the only time was with seans gag on the board. He can post and be merry, this is what this board is for. I just got sick and tired of no one calling him out on his bullshit.

Ken I am dropping this and if you have anything to say fine with me, I will not carry this on to crucify you. I am not running you off the board, you can post all you want when you want. Just never purposely try to defile one a thread again like you did this one, over your own personal vendetta.

Have a nice day.
Quote:I'm just gonna take some time off from posting,

If one more of you fucks tell me I am the one who has thin skin and can't take a joke and can't seperate the board from life I am going to scream.....
your thread gets defiled so you are taking your ball and going home, and somehow that is my fault?
Why does everything seem to turn into a fight these days?
Is there gonna be a slobber-knocker around here?
Quote:Why does everything seem to turn into a fight these days?
i think its something with people having thin skin.
Wait...people take this shit seriously?
Quote:i think its something with people having thin skin.
:rofl: HedCold is the funniest poster on this site. no contest!! i am proud to call him my bestest buddy!
Quote:Trust me one thing you do not wanna cross me, you don't wanna start a pissing contest with me. I don't fuckin like you, many others don't either.
he he
Ok, that was a long enough hiatus for me. Ken I am gonna take away the "new topic" button from myself, so I never hurt you again with such inane posting.

Please start a thread so I have something to reply to... :thumbs-up:
but but but........
I took the new topic button away from myself already,
why do people always copy my drastic moves? Confusedneak:
Awww, come on Gonz....why must we be punished because of Ken's hissy fit?
No, I tried for 2 years to learn how to start a sucessful thread. It is pointless, i'll just go and reply to others genius....

I think cherry is my favorite jello... I'll go post that.
I think your original thread needed pictures...had you sent him a pic and let us seen what you had sent...then it would've been the bestest. :thumbs-up:
I throughly enjoyed the part where my daddy came in to beat me. I was gonna let him IM me again and pretend to bet he abusive father tonight, but ken gave me a thumbs down. <table style=filter:flipV> :thumbs-up: </table>
I have a really good pic you can send him if you want it :bouncer:
Quote:Why does everything seem to turn into a fight these days?

Why do most of them revolve around Ken?
Cause Ken is an attention whore.
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