Full Version: Most useless fucking waste of a board member? - Any board, any time, any douchebag.
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Here's a big surprise for ya.

Hmm, if I had to pick the most disgusting, awful, worthless, scumbag, waste of pixels on a screen and bytes on a server I've ever seen, it would have to be one of the fan favorites to win the title, Ken'sPen.

Sure, I have a biased opinion because he attacked me recently. But that doesn't make him anything different from what he is.... just a pathetic fucking loser.

Or maybe he's just still pissed that I hijacked that awful thread and he was helpless to do a thing about it. :-D

So yeah, either way, Ken is a fucking cocksmoker.

Arpi was a close second for worthless poster, but he's actually a pretty cool guy, so Ken wins. Or loses.

Chat away!
i like ken
I think Ken just needs a barbie too play with.
i like him too
I prefer Hybrid.

Which speaks volumes.
A half compliment is the most you'll get out of me. :moonie:
Ken isn't that bad...I've seen worse...

Except Noelle.
:-( but...but...
no, actually i genuinely like him.
I'm afraid I agree with Crx and I'm not a lamb.
ken > arpi. i thought this thread would be about tenbats, though
Ken hmmm..... I think biggest would be giving him too much credit.

You know my vote has to go to Froy. Mavric a close 2nd.
This should be a poll.
Id like to nominate myself :lookatme:
i vote for gmanNnNnNnnnNnNNNn
Jinny hasn't posted a WOW anywhere in a couple of days.
thanx HYBRID.....I can always count on you!!! :fart:
Grumpy Wins!!!
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