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The Maryland sniper.

Totally cool or not so cool?

I'm waiting for them to identify the sniper as a terrorist. Random shooting, deadly aim, unseen, kills innocents of all ages.
shooting kids is a bit to evil. if he was shooting adults, on the other hand...
I bet he learned how to shoot by playing Duck Hunt on NES
shooting random people from your car, including a 13 year old...definately not cool.
CLS stop killing people!!!!
go write a poem and cry about your rage, dont take it out on others
from the car is a pussy move, he/she should just walk down the street.

why is it worse when a kid dies? just because they didn't get to do anything yet, doesn't mean they were meant to.
Anyone seen Ikeaboy recently? :clueless:
Maybe BeckyDC snapped. Confuseduicide:
Anyone who gets shot in the metro DC area will be a "sniper victim" until this person gets caught
They just confirmed todays shooting is linked. Bullet forensics match the other victims.
If the government would just pass a law banning violence, no one would ever get shot again. But I bet the NRA would disagree with that.
So ask DIG to put a ban on violence, the world will listen to his every word with anticipation.
Quote:Totally cool or not so cool?
yer fucking kidding right
have a child
then lose a child
there's only one answer to the question
and you didn't offer either
Well I didn't want to bias the sample, and wanted to open it up to spirited, intelligent debate about the pros and cons of murdering random strangers with a high-powered rifle.

There have been intriguing points on both sides. You can't paint me "undecided" for now.
I'm torn between "totally rockin" and "off the meat rack" to describe this guy.
how about "off the hinges"?
yeah murdering random children is a topic for discussion
maybe you should discuss your girls dripping snatch again
lately you've been picking winners like Stimpy did nose goblins
If I were black, I might say he is "off the chain, son"
for serious yo
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