Full Version: Hi...terrorist - More drama
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dammit, i only saw up to like, page 6. could somebody summarize the rest of it for us? i'll make it worth your while...
already making promises before you win the mod vote...
Quote: i'll make it worth your while...
who said anything about mod promises...

sleeper, shush
i do. but you dont have much to offer, and i have less
i know that stuff, i wanna know what happened in the thread Undecided
ok :-D
Quote:DIG made some valid points. Seems to me that anyone who has an opinion or has the balls to stand up for what they feel is right is considered a thorn in someones side...

:bouncer: I posted on that "other" board...maybe I'll get banned :bouncer:
All I know is, galt and dig should be worshipped.
you only say that cause you want them both...
fair enough :bow:
whatever happened I am sure it was glorious.
All I said was:

"I am the Maryland Sniper, and have done it all so GonzoStyle would notice me"
Gonzo...good thing you don't have a vagina...we all know what Galt thinks of them...
I missed the last few pages of the thread...can anyone be nice and explain what the Hell happened before it got deleted?
I always notice galt, he's been one of my favs for the longest. I always thought he never noticed me :-(
Quote:ya snooze ya lose. go back to your life outside of message boards!!
but...but....I've got no place else to go :-(
Fight the machine!
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